I've added resources folder in setenv.sh. Then added web panel with condition jiraHelper.project.key in ('someProjectKey') And then I installed web resources for my web panel to hide collapse...
I had to create a custom Footer with only "Impresum" and display it everywhere in Jira. Since I didn't find that much help, I wanted to share my work with the community. Here the ScriptrRunner&nbs...
I added a web resource. Now I need to add this image from the web resource to the servlet page. I found a very long url that consists of hashes and looks like this: s/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf84...
After Jira DC (8.3) compatibility with CDN announcement we have faced the problem with one of our conditionally included resources that we have to convert to stateless conditioning. There is a ...
Hello, I make a plugin to execute some Javascript in all the pages of my JIRA Application. The web-ressource in my file atlassian-plugin.xml : <web-resource key="test"> <ressource ...
Hi, I need to use the jquery and chart.js as well as my custom js and css files on the View Report tab that is added in the Job specific result of my plugin. When using atl.general , it causes some ...
Hi Friends, I am loading a js file every time as a web-resource with Context - atl.general in my Jira instance. I am making an AJAX call using this JS file and I want the URL for...
I'm trying to load the css and javascript files into my plugin, but despite having what I think is the correct code in the atlassian-plugin.xml file, nothing appears to be loaded. I've seen other peo...
I've followed the various tutorials for building a Confluence app, and yet my web resources (the JS and CSS files) aren't being added to my macro. (I don't see either the js or css file when inspecti...
Hey there, I have a webresource defined in my atlassian-plugin.xml and I require these resources with $webResourceManager.requireResource("...") in my velocity. In JIRA 7.0.X the resources are not ...
I have followed the "Dialog (Advanced)" example described at https://scriptrunner.adaptavist.com/4.3.4/jira/fragments/WebItem.html and wired the dialog box to the javascript code listed at the same p...
I am using scriptrunner to build a dialog (using script fragments). The menu button that triggers the dialog is placed in the system.navigation top menu (next 'issues', 'boards'..etc).User selects pa...
I'm writing a web-item plugin which triggers a dialog. the web-item is connected to a webwork action. The pugin creates an Issue and would usually redirect to the new Issue. At first I didn't have ...
Hi, I know this question has been asked several times... but I get nightmares already, i can't get my javascript in my Plugin. Here is resources definition in my atlassian-plugin.xml: <web...
Hi everybody, i'm trying to create a plugin with some javascripts files that will be loaded in create issue pop up screen. Jira current version is: 5.2.3. I have found some related question but...
Hi All , I need to execute a javascript using web resource plugin module the same way it gets executed when i paste it in the announcement banner . below is the xml <web-resource key="my...
Hi, I'm developping plugins for Jira 5. I have the following description: <web-resource key="autocomplete" name="Activities Autocompleter"> <dependency>com.atlassian...
Hi, I created a web-item which opens an AUI dialog. The javascript of the dialog is added with a web-resource. This is working as expected. Now I would like to show some additional (custom) informa...
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