I want to a dialogue box to appear, as soon as the user press publish button in confluence.
Hi, I'm currently searching for a solution with regards to the following problem. Goal: I wanted to implement a custom dialog (using Scriptrunner) where the User can select issues from a predefine...
Hello dear community. I would like to know if there is any way to add a confirmation window before moving from one phase to another, for example from open to closed saying: "Once the ticket is close...
I want to add UI element and perform some action on Dialog after clicking on Enable Merge menu item.
You have successfully applied dialog2-xlarge to a VM file that was floated via webworkaction. However, the screen containing the dialog2 size doesn't get bigger and gets cut. Please let me ...
I'm new to Script Runner. Now I have created a HTML dialog box with Fragments (to open it) and REST Endpoints script. I show several custom field values from the ticket in the dialog box and also che...
Hello, i have a problem with my custom dialog in jira. I created a custom dialog with the rest endpoint and fragment item and this works very well. The dialog opens and shows alle fields, tab...
Hello, I have a Jira velocity page which is supposed to define an aui-dialog2 popup window element as it is shown here https://aui.atlassian.com/aui/9.2.0/docs/dialog2.html Then I have a...
After upgradering our Confluence Server (self-hosted) to the lastest version 7.1.0, we experince that we cannot lookup users in the Create event dialog. I have updated the Team Calendar plugin t...
I have below a JIRA endpoint script that displays a dialog on web-item press. The dialog features a dropdown menu, which is not working as expected. I've been following the guidelines on https:/...
I'm trying to implement a popup dialog on web item click using ScriptRunner. The Adaptavist docs on the subject are sorely lacking, and it doesn't seem to be widely documented elsewhere. Can anyone ...
When I try this, custom modal closes Someone have an idea to resolve the problem? Thanks
Hello, I am trying to configure a plugin module where a click will open up a dialog box with some radio buttons on it. These radio buttons are working fine except that when it is loading, none...
We recently upgraded our Confluence from 5.x to the most recent 6 .15.1 (Server). Today when using Confluence, all health checks repeatedly pop up when opening any Macro dialogue during editing.&n...
Hey, I am providing a customfield with custom velocity templates for view and edit. On edit there is some javascript required, so imagine the customfield-edit.vm to look like this: <div> ...
in the beginning my kaban cards opened in a DialogModal today are opening next to the taks as attached image. How do I revoke Dialog?
We want to trigger the create-linked-issue dialog from our JIRA plugin: We know how to trigger the quick-edit-issue and the quick-create-issue dialogs. To use these dialogs, we included the ...
I am building a addon using Atlassian connect in Javascript. I'm trying to display a dialog in UI based when i recieve a webhook event. For example, when a comment is created, I wish to display a d...
Hello, I'trying to find a way to retrieve some Confluence users key/ids from a displayName or an Email, from within a Dialog Wizard in a blueprint. Looking at the Confluence Rest API, it seems this...
Hello, I'm creating a blueprint with a dialog wizard, and I'm trying to use the built in form validation as stated in the documentation. Using an input field as follow inmy soy templat...
Hi Friends, I am loading a js file every time as a web-resource with Context - atl.general in my Jira instance. I am making an AJAX call using this JS file and I want the URL for...
Hi Friends, This is in continuation with my question 695430#M227429, I am able to create a dialog2 modal box from the more section link with the steps mentioned in the prev question, but it i...
Hi, I am working on a jira 7 plug-in to create a new web item in the More section of the issues screen. Upon clicking the web item- a new dialog box should appear and prompt the user to ...
I have used aui dialog before, where you can take user to next page by clicking on next button. But the documentation for aui dialog2 is missing this part. I need some help implementing this function...
Hello everyone, does anyone know, how i can use the Dialog2 instead of the deprecated Dialog in a macro? I already have overriden the Macro Browser with the old Dialog and created a custom one, whi...
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