Hi I am looking for funcnationality one is autocomplte space and another one is autocomplete page I saw it is implemented in copy feature I 've tried for space <input&...
Dear community, sorry for maybe a trivial question but I have been fighting with this for quite a time. I am unable to implement AJS.RestfulTable on Jira issue inside ScriptRunner's Web Pan...
Hello, everyone. I'm developing a Jira plugin for Jira DC 9.12.11 and using AUI 7.9.9 form validation for a AUI Dialog2. I'm using jQuery and JS to show and hide the dialog for different table r...
...verything worked well. I try Macro in Confluence (Java Programming). But when I tried AUI Button, from Macro, it gave me error like this : &n...
...have tried: First, .aui-button { --aui-btn-bg: #36B37E; --aui-btn-text: #FFF; --aui-btn-border: #006644; } As expected, the css above changed all of the buttons on the page to t...
Hi all! We're displaying a custom error message after a user tried to login but the account has been disabled, mostly because of non-use for a certain period of time (removed from "confluence-users"...
Hi Team, We are building a custom build Jira Plugin where the requirement is to load a UI Page on Plugin screen then on click of "NEXT" button user should be able to navigate to another UI Page on o...
Hello, Me and my team are trying to create a macro which will create a table on a specific page using restful table from AUI lib (https://aui.atlassian.com/aui/latest/docs/restful-table.html). T...
Using scriptrunner I've made web item, which run code and display a dialog. def dialog = """ <section role="dialog" id="sr-dialog" class="aui-layer aui-dialog2 aui-dialog2-medium" a...
Hi. I need to trigger with tab selected. But i don't understand how to bind to tabSelect event. <div class="aui-tabs horizontal-tabs" id="master-defaulter-config-page"> <ul class="t...
...ndpoint. This is working. I have been able to create a dialog box with the auiSelect2 drop down menu as indicated on this page: https://aui.atlassian.com/aui/7.9/docs/auiselect2.html Going d...
I am following the REST-ful tables documentation in my plugin and trying to show editable table in issue view screen (atl.jira.view.issue.left.context UI location). But somehow I am not be able to ge...
...ontains elements that I didn't define. Please help me. now : i want : VM file code : <section id="static-dialog" class="aui-dialog2 aui-dialog2-large" role="dialog" tabindex="-1...
You have successfully applied dialog2-xlarge to a VM file that was floated via webworkaction. However, the screen containing the dialog2 size doesn't get bigger and gets cut. Please let me ...
...abel) { if (input != "") { input.parent().find('.list-creators').css("border-bottom", "1px solid lightgray"); input.append('<li creator_id="' + label.id + '" class="aui-dropdown2-checkbox i...
It seems there is a bug with in AUI - icons are not displaying properly. Does any one noticed it as well? Screens are taken in the 'General Configuration': yourname.atlassian.net/wiki/admin/v...
We have Jira plugin developed for server platform and UI is based on @atlassian/aui library and Angular. Now we want to make this plugin available as Cloud plugin. I managed to get work default A...
We have a situation where one of the custom field needs to be formatted in terms data into a table structure. We have the AJS script ready for the same which we have deployed in multiple client locat...
Hi everyone, I am implementing a custom plugin with a configuration section in the admin page. The configuration includes a form I would like to validate using this: https://aui.atlassian.com/aui/9...
I am trying to create a Jira plugin for server it should be a custom field of Date Time type. I was able to pull the Date pop but i am not sure how to add the time part to the UI. Any suggestions? C...
Hey, Im trying to make a single Select scrollable. https://docs.atlassian.com/aui/8.0.0/docs/single-select.html I found this thread, but this doesn't work: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/A...
Hi, we have a working custom plugin, developed for Jira 8.5, which uses auiSelect2 Now, since upgrading to Jira 8.11, it no longer works, failing with the error: Failed to run init function: AJS....
I created a form in AUI with a Save to file option in Javascript. I wrapped AJS.toInit around my script but it doesn't save the form input data to the file. Is there a plugin I can use o...
I am using AUI to create a form with the HTML macro in a Confluence page. When the save button is clicked, I want it to either save to a text file or save it to JSON. I have used J...
Hello Community! I am using Jira service desk server and was looking for a resolution on the following issue: I was preparing few new workflows for one of our process and we need the transi...
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