I am a passionate UI/UX Designer who specializes in developing digital experiences that are both intuitive and user-friendly. My background in UX research and UI design drives my focus toward p...
...here should we track our UX research & design work? Should that live: in JPD on the same board as our product in JPD on a separate board dedicated to Design/UX in Jira Software on the dev board i...
Having created a Confluence Database of our people from a Workday CSV export in a few clicks I'd like to request the following features (in order) to make it even better... 1) Below the "Lock struct...
Hi, I am pretty new to Jira, so came to ask for help... Really appreciate your attention and help! I am using Jira Portal and Service Management currently. To transition thru workflows, the transi...
Hey everyone, I'm excited to join this group and dive into discussions about startups, entrepreneurship, and innovation! My name is Sweta Upadhyay and I'm passionate about all things related to star...
Atlassian Update: 5th March 2024 Hello everyone, Custom links are back by popular demand. We understand how much you've missed this feature and we're thrilled to let you know that it's now availab...
I try to add a transition to a workflow (new) and this error message appears. What do i do?
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