This Confluence Wiki Markup page details a lot of what the WYSIWYG editor can do, but some abilities seem missing. For instance...
I have subscribed to a hosted Confluence site for my company at ''. I would like to use UWC to convert our old mediawiki site to JIRA. Following your instr...
I've got a few dozen (maybe a hundred) pages in a 3.0.1 wiki that I need to bring into a 4.0.4 (soon to be 4.1) wiki. I've spent much too much time (two or three days so far) trying to do this, wit...
While trying to export I get the below error message using the below properties set. I'm not sure why I'm getting this error, the statement that it lists first is correct and will run as a sql state...
I successfully run the UWC lifecycle for my Mediawiki with also importing the history. Now I want also to include users and timestamps at which the pages were updated (and this metadata should be als...
I'm getting errors when converting from TWiki to Confluence 4.1. Where is uwc.log? I can't find it anywhere on my local drive.
Does the UWC support Wiki Table formatting? i.e. {| class="wikitable" |- ! Header 1 ! Header 2 ! Header 3 |- | row 1, cell 1 | row 1, cell 2 | row 1, cell 3 |- | row 2, cell 1 | row 2, cell 2 | r...
I'm trying to export MediaWiki pages into Confluence using the Universal Wiki Converter. I've managed to get all of my MediaWiki pages (with history) saved locally, but whenever I go to convert the...
...I have the rest of the biz.artemis.confluence.xmlrpcwrapper classes from: svn checkout b...
While migrating from Twiki to Confluence, Is there any way to convert links pointing to another space? For example, in Twiki there are two webs, WEB1 and WEB2. In WEB1, there is a link pointing to ...
Does the UWC "spider" through all of the wiki pages on our server and import them into Confluence? Or is this done on a page-by-page basis? If it's done on a page-by-page basis, has anyone exported...
Hi! I'm trying to migrate from mediawiki to latest confluence. I used univesal wiki converter to export my old wiki and convert exported pages to confluence format. I cannot use UWC to communicate ...
I am trying to migrate from Twiki to Confluence and stuck at one error: 2011-10-24 19:28:12,588 ERROR [http-8080-2] [confluence.rpc.xmlrpc.XmlRpcServer] service javax.servlet.ServletException: org....
Hi, We have some openwiki pages and would like to migrate to confluence, please advice how can we do it
Hi, I'm using the latest UWC built from source because I need it for Confluence 4. It works good when uploading pages to Confluence, but the output directory on the filesystem is empty. So whe...
Hi there, Is it possible to migrate from Drupal to Confluence? Has anyone done that? Cheers, Carlos
I'm trying to convert a batch of TWiki pages into Confluence, while still retaining most older pages on TWiki (to become a read-only archive). The pages in my selection contain many internal-TWiki...
Has anybody created conversion lines in UWC to convert HTML tables (<table, <tr, and <td tags) into the {table, {tr, and {td macros offered in Adaptivist's Content Formatting plugin? I...
Hello everyone, We are trying to export our old MindTouch (Dekiwiki) information so that we can import in to confluence, but we are having some issues. I will include my config and error infor...
Trying to import a MoinMoin wiki into Confluence 4 and it looks like it hasn't been updated to support Confluence 4? I get the following exception. Importing an existing wiki is a critical feature ...
I need to move all of my company's confluence 3.2.1 articles from our own server to an Amazon hosted Confluence 4. I don't care about authoring information. I also don't want/can't upgrade the existi...
While I try to convert a twiki into Confluence (on Linux Redhat) using UWC (version 3.12), I'm facing the issue that UWC is not handling foreign characters correctly, e.g. German Umlaute, French acce...
I am trying to export MindTouch Wiki 09.08.3 with UWC. user-mac% ./ -v Universal Wiki Converter 3.13.0 With ignore.mindtouch=true uwc will run sucessfully , but without any ex...
I try to convert a pretty standard MediaWiki Installation to Confluence 4 beta 2. Unfortunately, I have a lot of problems espcially with embedded Pictures that have spaces in the filename or some kin...
Hi, I'm trying to convert a moin wiki to confluence but i'm stuck. Where I run the converter, in the Building Hierarchy part, I get a "unexpected name" error: 2011-08-31 11:10:41,888 INFO [mai...
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