Hi, Is there a built-in mechanism for creating UML, bpmn 2.0 diagrams? Or do you need to use third-party services to create them?
Hello, i would like to collect all the specifications with SysML Modeling Language. Is there a tool that you can recomment that got an interface to Jira / Confluence. Thanks a lot for any hints. Gu...
Learning how to make UML diagrams in Confluence was an uphill slog at first. A lifelong learn-by-doing disciple, I’d bent HTML, CSS and JavaScript to my will through sheer force of personality and l...
I have been using ZenUML Diagrams for Confluence in my Confluence for sequence diagrams in my project. It's really handy. However, sometimes I want to increase the spaces between parti...
Recently I showed a technical program manager a UML timing diagram I made while learning to create them. It compared the timing of Agile sprints, feature development, software releases, and d...
I hope someone can explain this behavior to me. I created a new page with a UML diagram in it using the PlantUML macro. A couple of curious users apparently browsed the page, and shortly a...
Hi, Is there any support for markdown flowcharts/diagrams/uml? Example: Pipeline Flow ------------- ```flow st=>start: scm checkout op=>operation: read plugin file o...
Creating UML diagrams doesn't have to be hard 🙌 Apply the following five pro tips to elevate your UML diagram to the next level. My examples will be shown in Gliffy Diagram for Confluence, b...
...se UML Once you've done all the prep work, it's time to start diagramming. This is where you'll make micro-level decisions where you'll solidify how things are labeled, what attributes they have — a...
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