We are now using a 360 camera for our construction projects. But I could not find a viewer on trello. At this time our work around is to save our 360 image files on our network cloud and view it loca...
Hi there I am working for a UK charity and we are looking at Trello to help visualise the operationalisation of our strategy. I had set up a trial board on my personal account as a demo and ...
I use Trello at work in web browser and mobile, but the colour menu is backwards to each other in both versions! I want to colour things specific colours but what appears to be bright yellow on the a...
Boa tarde. Não existe opção para que membros do quadro NÃO possam excluir os cartões ? O bom seria apenas os administradores. Ou termos a opção de escolher. Obrigado.
Is there a possibility to switch the automation tool to German language? Or will this be aivaillable in a higher plan?
I have tried everything already suggested, not even receiving the test notification emails, please can you check if my email is being suppressed? Thanks
Hello, I would like to ask is there a limit to how many rules we can set? I noticed that sometimes, some rules disabled itself, and I have to turn it back on manually. Also, is it possible to create...
столбец врача пропал, думаю что либо в архив ушел либо свернут. как вернуть?
Как сделать так чтобы оплата за подписку была 12 долларов ежемесячно
Hi trello community , I'm Musi and i have some issues with my Trello Workplace. I paid the trello standard package for more relevant and more features in May 7 , 2024 . The expire date is May 7 , 202...
Hi, y'all, I've been looking at getting Trello Standard for this yearly program I'm assisting with so the people taking part in the program have a workspace to work and collaborate on. The issue is...
Buenas tardes, Necesito conectar un tablero de Trello con Power BI. Estuve viendo videos que indican que Necetito utilizar un Power UP llamado "Power BI Connector (by DOIT-BI) pero no me aparece en...
Hi, I would like to be able to tag tasks.( Trello cards) This would like me to be able to search for tasks better. Unfortunately, I didn't find a way to tag in the Trello cards. My questi...
I've encountered a significant issue with the description textbox when using the iOS app. The textbox lacks basic formatting options such as bold, italics, and underline. Additionally, there are no o...
A month ago, one of the members of the workspace under zero cleaned all the information I need, can I recover it as any?
Hello, I would like to un-subscribe from paid version of Trello, how can I do that?
I have have had a free Trello account for a few years and it works well. however a couple of weeks ago when signing in via Atlassian it forced me down a rabbit hole and changed my addres...
hi everybidy, I'm a bit nerdie about connecting Trello board to a notion page. I've already set the connections on NOtion, released a public link about my trello board, but whe I try to add (and s...
I downloaded Google authenticator app, but couldn't figure out how to get it set up with the limited instructions. Haven't been able to figure out how to get a security key (again, limited instructi...
Trabalhei para uma empresa por pouco tempo e eles criaram uma conta no Trello com meu gmail e me colocaram como ADM de duas contas ( cartões) Delta cambio éra o nome da empresa. Quero excluir...
Desespero com o trello
Hi, I am looking for the maximum number of cards that can be created per board. I would like to know the maximum number of cards created per board, I have looked at both the Trello support page and ...
I'm aware there is the create card from template button at the bottom of lists, but it is small and I want to reduce (eliminate) the likelihood a new card is created that doesn't follow the template....
The content of one of my boxes appears when I open it and instantly disappears and the box appears empty, what do I do?
Is it a powerup?
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