...asted wiki page links into email about a bazillion times a day. I wanted my copy-able page links to work a certain way. Fortunately, I was able to use ServiceRocket's Reporting add-on to add a c...
I am Using Service Rocket connector for Salesforce and Jira Integration. I need to bind a custom version picker( Single List) type field in JIra with Multipicklist field in SF. it is not appear...
I am Using Service Rocket connector for Salesforce and Jira Integration. I need to bind a List type field in JIra (contain 2 values : Yes, No) with Checkbox field in SF. So, In binding : I use Ma...
I am Using Service Rocket connector for Salesforce and Jira Integration. I need to Map Reporter field (Jira) with OwnerId field (Salesforce). It throws an error
...ith what I had, which was the Reporting add-on. Broken links list, part I I modified ServiceRocket’s Reporting examples to create a list of pages that contained external links that included the o...
...hat next? Fortunately, I was able to use ServiceRocket's Reporting add-on to generate a workable report. When combined with Confluence's Chart macro, it’s even easier to see where pages are being added....
...onfluence macros and ServiceRocket's Reporting add-on). A couple sections combine a Reporting table and Confluence's Chart macro; I'll write a how-to on that soon. ServiceRocket's excellent support s...
I am not sure if something has changed with Jira recently. We use ServiceRocket's Salesforce-Jira Connector for Cloud. Beginning on Thursday 2/6, the integration to create new SF r...
We are integrating salesforce with jira using servicerocket connector. We have done the configuration for Case and Issues in Jira. We are able to get Case as Issue in jira but not able to see S...
...se this report to help troubleshoot why someone can't access the wiki or a space or edit a page. I believe I have the setup correct, and ServiceRocket support seems to agree, but I am not seeing g...
See the blog at https://blog.servicerocket.com/adoption/time-to-say-goodbye-these-apps-are-leaving-our-portfolio We were a little blind sided by this and are scrambling to get things that were ...
Hi, We are trying to add Scaffolding Forms & template in cloud .Is it not available for cloud?If not which one we can use as we want to use form .Please check.
Greetings kind Jiraites, We are researching the best integration tool for SFDC and Jira cloud. I have worked with Zapier in the past and found it a good resource. Does anyone have insight into their...
My company's version of Confluence allows for the Task Macro and Task Report. We've made extensive use of it. I ran across an issue with this this when I embedded a Table Data Macro...
How to get card and deck macro used pages information via SQL query?
I read that Jira Service Desk can be connected to Salesforce with a connector but the connector only works with Salesforce Enterprise and above. What about for the other JIra tools, do you hav...
All good I figured it out. Hi All, Ok I am really stuck and I am not even using the add in yet. I have installed it and applied a license and all appears to have gone smoothly, but I don't...
Hi all, I am looking for some sort of tool to run, preferably from a command line, that will give me all Jira issues that have a Salesforce Issue link to a salesforce Issue that is closed. Fro...
I have a deck of cards macro being used. Is it possible to target the font color in the tabs? They are currently blue and would like them to be white with a blue background. I have the background col...
I have configured the Binding,Connection and Project creation in Jira and Salesforce. But still hit the issue. When I try to create issue thru Jira,the error "No Jira Project available for Jira Iss...
If I have associated SF and Jira issues and I'm syncing comments between the two, is it possible to transmit an @-mention in say a Jira comment and have it actually post to the SF ticket with th...
Hi Community, I have what I believe to be a simple question that I just cannot find an answer for. When creating a Jira from a salesforce issue with the Jira server to salesforce connect...
I am wondering if anyone was able to use ServiceRocket Reporting with Scaffolding Content Options. I have Space A with a pages describing some source information. Also I have a Space B p...
Hello from Austria! I'm using service rocket's scaffolding and reporting plugins and know that there is a unique identifier for every content object. I'm wondering if it is possible to use this id i...
We have JIRA 7.3.6 and ServiceRocket 6.2.5. When we use the Manage Application Links feature within and issue to add/remove links between a JIRA issue and and a Salesforce object, it does not a...
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