I have a Bamboo Build Plan, that contains 3 Plan Branches, each identical except for the git branch they monitor and each with the same 'exclude file' regex pattern ".*/.txt" (exlude all *.txt f...
Hi, I want to see the tickets created after hours for my project. 6PM - 9AM. Then maybe sort by priority. project = myproject AND created >= 2013-01-01 AND created <= 2013-12-15 how do i...
...his, at it seems like a remarkably easy task; however, neither "Copy a parsed text to a field", "Set a field from a set of rules based on regexp", nor "Regexp renderer" appears to fit the bill. S...
The filter I'm trying to create looks for one of a few labels to show the issue has been sponsored by a certain staff member, if found the issue appears at the top of the filter and if not then I wan...
Hi I have a Confluence install that allows spaces to be created with a dash. I know that I have set this up somewhere by configuring a space key regex. But the problem is that I don't know a...
I need to be able to supress certain headings within my table of contents on a Confluence page. The headings I need to surpress are: - Page Views - Recently Updated - Release Items (xx issues) ...
...ork right. The jira-plugin-pack plugin is unstable and unsupported, so we can't use it. Does anyone know of a similar plugin that allows regex in searches or have a different solution? We are using J...
There are several fix versions across projects but each of these fix versions have a pattern that is consistent except the release name. Can I use regex to generate a Jira query that can work a...
I'm tring to configure my Subversion repository from excluding multiple directories. The following is an example of my repository: branches 2.0.1 2.0.2 Tickets ... ... ... ...
Hello! I've been using CLI for a few days now and it has greatly sped up the wiki migration i'm doing. Today i've been doing a lot of findReplace and findReplaceRegex to replace common things throu...
Hi, a java or perl regex with a { in the converter line never seems to match f.e. TWiki.6600.maketext2bold.java-regex=%MAKETEXT\{\"(.*?)\"\}{replace-with}*$1* i then tested with TWiki.6600...
I need to stop this behaviour when a user replies to an email notification to add a comment, there is no need to copy all old message body to the new comment, I'm trying o use Regex Comment Handler t...
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