Hello, I have a problem with the macro "page properties report" and I am hoping to find an explanation and some help. Basically what we found is that the macro "page properties report" fish...
My company has multiple instances of Confluence. Is it possible to use the Page Properties Report macro to display information "broadcast" by Page properties macros in pages from multiple Confluence ...
Hello I have a relatively simple user macro to set some page properties, sadly it stoped working whith the upgrade to Confluence 7.4 and the macro test is just displayed on the confluence page withou...
Hey there, I’m currently investigating new ways, on how to use the page properties macro in Confluence Cloud and I was wondering if one of you has ever used multiple PP Macros on one Page? If so...
Hi, I have a User Macro that I found in the forum for a Dropdown Menu. I have customized it to fit my current needs and it works perfectly. Now I'm trying to display the dropdown i...
I first used the Page Properties macros to post a backlog of meeting recordings. I needed to sort the list by event date, not created or modified date, and the Page Properties and Page Properties Rep...
I'd love to create a template for my space that includes the page properties macro with defined variables inside of it. In particular, I want a pick-list for a status field. I was able to create the...
We have an issue with the 'Page properties report' macro's, we make use of a specific 'label' in the 'current space' and 'including text' but since today that doesn't seem to work anymore and we see ...
I'm creating a set of pages which each are using the page properties to hold a small table of data such as owner, status etc... and then using another page to hold a page properties report to provide...
Hello all, We have been using for some time a Page Properties reports and it was working up to last week when suddenly it stopped showing any content. I have tested creating a Page Properties insid...
The Page Properties Report macro returns some (not all) pages within the filtered results two times. It looks like an older version is taken in as 'latest' besides the actual latest version of the pa...
I would love to be able to access the page properties macro for an individual page, via REST API. It seems it MAY be possible using masterdetail: I get the following JSON from this GET request: &nbs...
Hello Everyone- I am having a strange problem when displaying my page properties report. If I leave the settings blank for "Columns to show" it correctly displays all data. When I try to only display...
In the old editor I could put information in a table displaying the headers in the row header rather than the column header and it would pull through on the report ok, but in the new editor this just...
We make heavy use of page properties report for summarizing issue related information on a helpful problem management dashboard that guides our operation. The structure is: A root page, with a page...
When I open each of the "versions" in a new tab, they all propagate as the current version, but in the report summary, you see the last few versions I modified
I would like to create the properties for my page by combining two tables with the Table Transformer macro. I did this inside of a Page Properties macro and it appears fine on the page, but on anothe...
Especially for use in "child pages" (e.g. options) for respective "parent pages" (e.g. decisions), I may want to include some property of the parent page in some page property value of the child. Ex...
Running "Powered by Atlassian Confluence 6.13.4 " Have several pages (created from a template) that all have the same page properties table block and page label. Table is fixed width ...
I would like to create a report on a page including properties on the same page and on child pages. Is that possible with this macro and if yes, how?
I only see the first two rows, but I have several rows of data I want reflected in the report.
First time posting, upgraded from Confluence 6.6.5 to the Confluence 6.13.4 release. I have reviewed the following help page: http://confluence-addons.connect.adaptavist.com/page-info/latest/page-in...
First time posting, upgraded from Confluence 6.6.5 to the Confluence 6.13.4 release. I have reviewed the following help page: http://confluence-addons.connect.adaptavist.com/page-info/latest/page-in...
I'd like to set some metadata informations per page and generate a report. One requirement is "as close to confluence standard as possible": No additional apps but user-macros are allowed. Th...
I am attempting to create a dashboard for my team that shows all of the Product Requirements in confluence, but I need to be able to identify which section each product requirements is in. I am using...
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