Hi Community, is there any possibility to configure Jira so that the standard (native) Jira export creates a .docx instead of a .doc? Due to a company wide compliance rule only .docx are allowed....
When trying to upload using the "from Word doc" feature, I get the following error: The content is too long You can split the content into smaller files and import them separately....
We have created wiki pages as a blank confluence page having only a title, then attaching a Word document with the wiki contents and embedding it into the confluence page using the "Office Word" macr...
Hi We require importing Word docs which have layers in the like arrows, highlight circles etc in them. When I do the import, these don't come over. Is there a way around this please. We have hundr...
Hello. When I import long documents from MS Word into Confluence, I lost much formatting. I am, though, able to indent paragraphs to different levels with the TAB key, thus restoring some of my...
Doh! I feel so stupid. Added a .docx document to a Confluence page. Now want to take a copy of that document to edit it, in Word, for another purpose, but can only seem to download it as an HTML fi...
I'm using the table excerpt macro, combining/consolidating tables/rows from multiple pages in another single page. Each of the "child" tables, has the same header row and 1 or more detail lines/ro...
Does anyone know where this is controlled from? I logged in today to discover that I had lost the functionality to import a Word document and split to multiple documents via Heading 1 style. The new ...
Hello, I'm very new to Confluence so hopefully this question even makes sense... Recently I ran into a problem when exporting a page to MS Word. For some reason, when I export the page, some of the h...
Hi, Trello friends! I noticed a bunch of folks here in the community wanting the ability to open/preview their Word, and Excel card attachments directly in Trello instead of downloading them. Trell...
Hi Team, I have hundreds of use cases in Word files (.docx) uploaded as attachments to my organization's Confluence (server, 7.4.1) that I need to import as pages in our Confluence. Each one has a t...
Dear Atlassian Community, we would like to implement pretty much the same functionality that Microsoft 365 has, but when editing files in Confluence. So basically, we would like users ...
Hello, the exports are broken. PDF-Export: The page style is awful. Headlines are exported like normal text (same size). The headline structure is for the trash in the export. Impossible to rea...
Hi guys. Since yesterday we can't export a document to word if this document was edited and published just before the export. Confluence shows the message: "We’ll be back in a flash We’ve...
Hello everyone, got customer who would like to migrate to Atlassian Cloud, but, they have to stay with custom features they have in WP with FAQ base in WP. As they would like to use Service Desk Po...
My question is whether it is possible in confluence to export a page and its parent pages. So when for example a child page named 1.2.2 is opened, is it possible to export page 1, page 1.2 and page 1...
Title says it all really. I have a large knowledge base which has been built entirely using the legacy editor. I've been given a substantial Word doc (8,000 words) which I need to add to my knowledge...
We have some documents that have user comments on the side such as : On using the "import word document" these comments become a part of the main body of content. Is there any way we can im...
Boa tarde! Gostaria de saber se é possível alterar/editar o modelo de exportação para Word, pois ao realizar a ação, o arquivo não vem em uma boa configuração de uso em documento, ficando desregular ...
We use the create from template macro and transform the pages into a report. We are given the information to go into the macro in a word Doc. I have worked out how to take a word Doc into a page sea...
Hello, Is there a way to hid some of the contents whenever you export to a word document in confluence? For an example, I do not want to see any words whenever I export as a word document from Confl...
Hello, czech customer. do you use as indexing language Czech? If yes did you realize that the jql searching is not accurate and there are some words that are missing that the search cannot f...
I'm not able to use the import option, because it doesn't appear me, do I need to enable something or install an extension to be able to import documents created in word? *Note It's no...
I open document, change it and then save In the same time my collegue open document too, change it too and save it too If she saved last, her changing will put in last version and I wouldn't see my...
Hi, I have a Word document with Heading levels 1,2,3 and 4. Import with split 1,2,3 works identically, splitting by Heading 4. Any suggestions ?
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