this code when run will fetch and evaluate an obfuscate code which will target crypto wallet browser extensions
Is there not report button for malicious repositories? i was approached by a LinkedIn member who has since deleted his account for running and working on this repository as a coding interview I... Some guy reached out via linkedin for so called crypto projects and are urging people to run on bare metal instead of docker. I found out...
...ardcoded secrets and potential malware. These previously announced features are intended to protect customer data while securing apps and the Atlassian ecosystem. This is a significant improvement to p... Hi, just wanted to report the repository above for hosting malicious content. The files are specifically used to fool users in...
Links in the description area on the website have started directing to malware and porn sites even though the status bar shows the correct link and inspection on the Trello markup is correct. The l...
Hello Bitbucket Staff, The following URL is used in a malware sample (word document) found in the wild and leads to malicious commands. hxxps://bitbucket[.]org/!api/2.0/snippets/daddyjob/rEBeKk/e...
Hello, I have discovered an active malware repository on bitbucket, They host fake expressvpn and other malicious software's to steal&n...
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