...sing the status macro for the values in the "Priority Level" column, but I have adjusted the query to only ORDER BY "Priority Level" and that by itself worked, so there are not issues with the macro r...
Hi there. I am on 7.19.30 Confluence Data Center. I have faced an issue when {viewdoc} macro doesn't show images. I tried to find any solutions here. These I checked and it didn't help: 1....
Hi, I noticed that whenever I have the regular Status Macro and the "Page Status" macro from Comala on the same page, whatever workflow state captured by Comala "Page Status" updates the regular macro...
I've inserted a dropdown macro into my template. I can't make a selection in the dropdown until after publishing the template, but after I make a selection - nothing saves. If I refresh, my s...
Hello, recently we upgraded Confluence to version 9.x and gadget macros stopped working. Are you aware of any alternative solutions and workarounds? Are there any plugins we could use for native g...
...roject, so we would need a way to update all the Jira Issue/Filter macros to point to cloud instead of the Data Center project. The problem is that other projects which are mentioned in confluence are not m...
There is a macro in confluence that displays upcoming versions for a specified project. It's almost always broken (I would say 9 times out of 10) in some way when you visit the confluence page, e...
Hello! I have a few questions about the current Attachments Macro in Confluence. Problem Definition I have an Attachments Macro on a Page. I have adjusted some of my attachments throughout u...
Using Confluence 8.5.17. When I insert the Excerpt macro into my page (in a tab), there is no field for "Excerpt name". When i click edit there is no option for "Excerpt name". How do I edit the n...
Hello all, Has anyone had luck using the chart macro with a jira filter and specific columns in the table to make a chart out of it? Specifically utilizing group bys. Thanks
I'm using Atlassian's "Insert Confluence List" macro on a confluence page. I need to search for a specific label that is tagged on some confluence pages. The issue I have when I put this label in t...
Hi, hoping someone cam help out here. I am using the 'BibTeX Referencing’ Macro and ‘BibTeX Display Table’ Macro to generate a bibliography. This is an example of what I would like to achieve: I...
Hi - I believe my company uses the cloud version of Confluence. I'm trying to create an FAQ page for my team, but using an expand macro for every single question is taking forever. Is there any o...
Hi Team, I'd like to set an image as the background for a page but I cannot understand how the macro 'Background Image' works. Tried with CSS styling but no luck Note: I am on Confluence data c...
We use the Jira Legacy macro in our release notes, however we can't control the column width of this macro, which is really frustrating. If we use the Jira Issues macro, we can adjust c...
...ther than to allow you to put in a name of a Confluence user, i.e. it doesn't allow you to assign them a task with the to-do macro or create any alerting. 1. What is the 'user' field f...
I have a page in Confluence that heavily uses the expand macro, but now we want to remove these macros while keeping the content intact. The issue is that when I try to copy and paste the content f...
...raphs. Via the lucidspark boards macro, I want to display ONLY the organigram in the confluence page. The confluence user should not be able to scroll within the macro and see the other graphs. Is t...
I have several pages with a Page Properties macro on them, all children of a page with a Page Properties Report macro. I'm restructuring my space and moving the children out to a different parent i...
I have a page with an image map (created via html-bobswift). When I use the Include Page macro to include the page's content in a different location, the image map is not longer clickable. It r...
Hi, I have a confluence page with a couple of Jira Macro's (Overall Test Results gadget & Test Runs Summary gadget). On loading or refreshing the Confluence page these always default to C...
I looked over the doc for the contributors macro (https://support.atlassian.com/confluence-cloud/docs/insert-the-contributors-summary-macro/) & don't see this, but is there a way to modify the c...
Hello! I'd love to create a single dynamically-updated Confluence page that references JPD data, but unfortunately, given JPD's non-standard fields, I can't do that directly via the usual JQL means....
...ince I work on a classified on-prem Confluence site. I’ve tried using the Activity Stream macro, but it seems to track all project activities rather than just the Work Logged entries. I also looked i...
Hi everyone, I'm trying to add a certain title format to pages created from templates. Is there a way to do this in Confluence Cloud? As I see, macros do not work in the template title, they a...
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