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×I am trying to add test cases as well along with the test executions through the zephyr automation. what are the keywords I should specify in the xml? how it will my xml data in zephyr?
...ests in combination with the Postman runner feature and Newman CLI. Junit JUnit is an open-source unit testing framework that supports Java (5 and above) and is known for its efficacy i...
I have a Cypress test suite that creates an xml report upon completion. I then import those test results using the /api/v2/import/execution/junit endpoint. This is functioning, but the r...
Hi, I wanted to implement pre-commit hook for testing junit execution and block the commit below a % coverage or for failures. Any existing solution or suggestion for implementing?
Hello, Using the rest API for JUnit bulk upload on Xray cloud -link It keeps creating new tests even though test definition is available. The xml has the right definition and same in test i...
We are trying to see if Junit threshold integration can be possible within the bamboo pipelines. We are trying to implement a certain threshold limit for Junit test cases in Bamboo p...
Hi, I would like to extend our current Junit xml report to include some test fields like testIssue key + testRequirement key and then use this data to link test results to XRay testcases in JIRA. I...
Hi! We are using Xray in our Jira Cloud project. Through the Xray REST API we imort the test results after a successful build of our Kotlin Spring Boot project in the format of junit xray e...
Failures in my JUnit test results are not recognized by Bitbucket Pipelines. The results file is created via fastlane (swiftlint) and looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&g...
I upload my XML with a POST request to this URL: https://xray.cloud.getxray.app/api/v2/import/execution/junit?projectKey=RFE&testEnvironments=qa&testPlanKey=RFE-141&revision=1.2.3 The u...
I've been making tests for our scriptrunner scripts using it's built in testing functionality. However there seem to be an isuse if a script is i'm testing is changing the issue assignee. In the "the...
Hi all, I am trying to import a JUnit file, where it has to address a custom field called "Team". I was trying to use the documentation here: https://docs.getxray.app/display/XRAY/Taking+a...
Based on documentation here, I tried to import my JUnit-style XML using the following inputs. curl -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" -u mylogin:mypassword -F "file=@output.xml" https://jira.nayax...
CTest, as part of CMake, is a test runner which generates xml reports. Starting with the 3.21 version, they support JUnit generation. However, this is not detected by bitbucket, in which after a p...
We are using Bamboo Built in Maven task to compile java code , run tests and Junit Parser to parse the test results as shown below Stage 1 &n...
...ell me how the test case names match with an example? Is "name", "class name", a combination of both or something else used from JUnit xml results? Do I have to include the key (eg PROJ-123) within t...
Hello, I'm using Playwright Node.js to script some automated test and i'm using the JUnit reporter which provides me xml reports as described in the Xray doc about Playwright I have on t...
...un the Junit tests 4. Run Integration tests 5. Run Instrumentation tests or Espresso Tests on firebase test device 6. Push the apk to AppCenter 7. Generate Report I tried t...
This question is about the junit import in the xray test management plugin. After some automated tests I have a junit result file (from pytest). I'd like to upload the results to xray via its v2 a...
since this states like 500 times that "This macro was intentionally excluded from the new editor and will be deprecated from the legacy editor soon." Are there any plans to bring that back? or ...
The same solution was provided by a JUnit macro but it was supported in legacy editor and removed from the new editor. I need a similar solution or workaround to add JUnit report (XML) to a...
HI all I am facing issue while writing Junit for Atlassian – bitbucket plugins custom class. Can some help on this? ----------------------------------------------------------- I am d...
Junit muiltipart api import is setting the wrong summary for test cases. When we import test results using the Junit multipart tests using a command like so: curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/f...
{ "error": "Missing data in the junit results import request" } i get above error when i try to import JUNIT execution results using XRA Cloud API https://xray.cloud.xpand-it.com/a...
Hi, in my Ant script, I use the following code to run junit tests: <junitlauncher haltOnFailure="true" printSummary="true"> <classpath refid="test.classpath"/> <t...
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