Hi everyone! I’m Sparsh from the research team, and we’re conducting accessibility research on Jira Service Management (Cloud). We need the community’s help. We are looking for People who use s...
...uestions can help foster inclusion and motivation for the right work at the right time.
...nother McKinsey report from 2015 found that, of 366 public companies, those in the top quartile for gender diversity were 15% more likely to have returns above the industry mean. A study of 4,277 S...
...nd inclusion? What about the toxicity that can happen within a company culture? How do women manage it when they run into these situations? How have you dealt with gender-coded language, and how have y...
The tech field can seem cutthroat and unappealing to women. But does it always have to be? In this event on March 11, women in various roles at tech companies share their stories and advice for how t...
Editor's note: This information will be shared across the Atlassian social media assets, and we wanted to make sure our Community was aware as well. 😄 -- Pride has always been about carryin...
These days it is not uncommon to see the term work/life blend used instead of work/life balance. Your work place may encourage you to bring your authentic self and be open to being vulnerable. Why w...
Greetings! Sarah from the Team Playbook team here... As a team, we've been talking a lot lately about how to make meetings more inclusive, and in so doing, get more value out of them. Introverts, re...
...bsp; 2. Men and women taking the lead on toning down the laddish atmosphere The change for more gender inclusion didn’t just come from recruiting women, it also came from the men in the company t...
Background As a Jira Administrator, I am passionate about helping others get the most from their Projects, especially within my current workplace. All of our software development teams use JIRA Soft...
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