What is the best way to create a nice and simple input page for a user? We are creating a database where we collect the courses- and certifications our employees have completed. The employe...
Hello, Fellow Jira Administrators! Have you ever found yourself in situations where Jira’s built-in tools, standard GUI, scripting, or even the REST API just aren’t enough? Tasks like p...
...anted, albeit with a bunch of extra steps and missteps. Am I missing something here? Is there a smoother way to accomplish what I'm trying to do ? Is it just a GUI validation failure (combo box i...
Hi, we have 10 clients, every clients has 3 request types. This creates 30 buttons on the portal and a cluttered interface nightmare. Below is the portal design I would like to be able to bu...
...ileds (on screen) etc. Use this cool GUI front end for all your Jira use cases as Project managemnt, Team Work Managment, Marketing Planning, Customer Managment, HR, and many more use cases. H...
I have a local agent running on Ubuntu. Is it possible to run a test which has a basic test for an offscreen OpenGL context? I tried running It using: export DISPLAY=:0 That didn't help. Ther...
Hi, We recently migrate to JIRA Server 8.x. If column constraint is set (min / max of number of issues) on a column ; column name is truncate. Is there something planned to fix this? (like mul...
Hi everyone, I've been using SourceTree over the last give years now and I really enjoy it, but sometimes I get to the point of frustration when SourceTree cannot discard chunks or files with corrup...
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