I added google chat power up to my board, when checked in setting it showed trello for google chat and also trello hangouts so I revoked the hangouts application but it seems after revoking I'm unabl...
I keep on getting an error in authorizing google chat and trello. What should I do?
Bonjour à tous, j'aimerai avoir directement sur chaque tableau de mon espace de travail, un slack ou une messagerie instantanée où je peux discuter avec le collaborateur. J'aimerai que cette messager...
Is there a way to only be notified if I'm mentioned in a comment with the Trello - Google Chat integration. Getting all the comments is too noisy, but it would be good to be notified if I'm tag...
Has anyone experienced Trello comments not flowing / updating in Google Chats? Everything else that I have checked in the Sync settings on the Trello Power-up seem to be working/flowing, except Comme...
Is it possible to create an automation in Jira to send a message in google chat? If yes, which chat link should I use? And which method should I select in automation?
Hello, I am trying to authorize Trello with my Google chat by following this link: https://support.atlassian.com/trello/docs/trello-for-google-hangouts-chat/ but I can't mention or add the ...
I am trying to connect jira project to google chat room using Jira Bot. Added Jira Bot and the bot is asking for a domain in atlassian.net to configure jira. But we dont have an address in atlassia...
Hi all, I'm trying to set up Google Chat/Trello integration at the moment. I have added the Trello bot to Google Chat, and have added it to a room. I have also linked it to my account. I'v...
I don't want Google Hangouts Chat notifications for when I make a change to a board. I only want the notifications if someone else makes a change. Is that possible?
giving error : something has gone wrong.
Good day, is there any way we can integrate jira with Google Hangouts Chat? thanking you in advance
Trello write "You haven't authorized with any Hangouts Chat teams yet. To get started, add or mention the @Trello in a room you'd like to send alerts to", when I to try connect Hangouts Chat. T...
I'm curious to know if it is possible at this time to link a conversation in Hangouts Chat to a Trello card so conversations in Hangouts Chat also appear on the card?
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