is there any rest api for fisheye to get users of particular SVN repository. I dont need fisheye users.
Hi :) I have been asked to identify which Fisheye repositories in our instance are linked to Subversion, and what their link is. Without manually going through all of the repositories, does anyone h...
FishEye is very very slow on integration to SVN and steps skipping an SVN version We found that one of the SVN revision has very large number of changes and we like to skip that SVN version from Fis...
I would like to get svn commit detail from fisheye database ... like author , ci_date, line_added , line_del , line_change , revision , source_name . Could you please help me with query ?
latest version of Fisheye and Jira ondemand is that possible? currently we are using JIRA v6.2 OnDemand and planning for FishEye integration with SVN.
When I try to view the source tab in JIRA, I get a timeout. But all my project links seem to be intact - that is I have a Fisheye link that points to the OnDemand Fisheye instance in all of the proje...
Sorry Help!! Trying to use FishEye backup manager to create the subversion dump gives error: "message":"Client must be authenticated to access this resource.","status-code":401 what causes th...
Hi. I searched for similar questions but found nothing. I want to add a link to a JIRA ticket that references a certain line of the code - more precisely a link to a method of a java class. I k...
Hi there, I am having the same problem. I am receiving all details of repository with "/rest-service/repositories-v1/{name} but when I try "/rest-service/repositories-v1/browse/{repo}/{path:.*$}"...
Need to find a way to merge onDemand Fisheye Crucible with an existing hosted instance. I looked at the migration guide, it documents how to migrate to a new clean instance, but there is no instruct...
We want to migrate our Atlassian SVN repository, either to Bitbucket or to another SVN repo. Before we do that we would like to know the size of our repository. How can we determine the size of o...
the Project has mandatory marking for files both in their headers and in their check-in attributes. text to be included within the first 5 lines would take the form "Frog, Juvenile, Tadpole". my ...
This is regarding I'm going through the mgiration process, and need to set up all the users on the Bitbucket s...
We'd like to be able to host JIRA on our servers but have it integrated with our OnDemand JIRA. Currently we have the developers commit to SVN and then copy the link to our legacy Trac system and pas...
Hi, we have non-administrative users who are restricted to specific projects. In Jira, they have project lead access and can do some basic project-level administration. These users say they were pr...
I am trying to migrate our account to GIT, and ran into a rather obnoxious issue... Following the migration guide, I've created a svn dump (svn.dump.gz) and downloaded it, however I am unable to unpa...
Hi guys, when performing a merge of a branch the trunk in one of our projects our SVN client (SmartSVN) brings the following error after processing nearly the complete merge of 155 MB files of our ...
I have multiple projects hosted OnDemand, A and B - each with their own subversion repository. A has an svn:externals to B, such that checking out A gives A/B/a A/B/b A/c A/d ...
I have Jira on Demand and until the start of this year my team have been able to connect/view/update/commit to SVN from eclipse and to view from Fisheye. Now, however, my users can not view the rep...
We are currently using FishEye/Crucible with SVN as part of our OnDemand hosted solution. I want to try BitBucket in my environment BEFORE doing the switch, so, I can simulate the move and train my...
...ith this repository. I chose SSH (tried to upload the private key from the server and to generate the public key and set it up on the server). The question is : If I chose the public-key solution, s...
We have not assigned a default moderator to the reviews. The person who was authoring a review has left the organization. He is also being shown as the moderator of the review. I'm the administrato...
Hi, We've been using smart commits for quite some time, but about a week or two ago they suddenly stopped working. We're using JIRA On-Demand woth FishEye SVN repo. Right now we get an error lik...
I found that fisheye can add a single git repository,Does fisheye has some mechanism to support repo,which developed by google to manager multiple git repositories,so that users can only add a repo ...
Hi I am trying to send a file through restapi which it has special characters (I am using git , I commiited the file and tried to send through restapi), I am using below rest call, but its not anchor...
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