We have a JIRA 8.2 server version and a Confluence 7.13 server version. Will an upgrade from Jira server 8.2 to 9.6 extend the support until January 2025 , likewise an upgrade from Confluence server...
Just curious how you keep yourself notified about EOL and LTS releases. My experience is that it's not rare to have one or the other app outdated. But looking at few pages is ... meh. Open to hear a...
We are planning to upgrade soon to v8.20 (LTS) which EOL is October 19, 2023 and we plan to continually renew our license until Feb, 2024(until end of Jira Server support). Does this mean even if we...
※本記事は、Parthaが2022年3月1日に公開した英語記事「End of server sale & support – February 2022 update」を翻訳したものです。内容に相違が見受けられる場合、英文ページの内容を正とします。 2022年6月8日: アトラシアンのクラウド移行の進捗に関心をお持ちいただきありがとうご...
...equirements in your industry and geography. In our public roadmap, we’ve set a high bar for what we plan to achieve in those areas. To date, we’ve reached some new significant milestones and updated several o...
By now, everyone is aware of the Atlassian’s announcement to discontinue selling new Server instances from Feb 2, 2021. If you have been living under a rock and missed the announcement, you can check...
Hi, I have Jira server installed on a linux system in an internal network which is not connected to internet for security reasons. After having installed some additional applications I was asked to...
It isn't possible for a user to change a snippet repository type once it is created, so are all Hg snippets being deleted when Hg repositories are removed from Bitbucket? Or will all existing snippe...
Trying to update Confluence 6.0.6 due to vulnerability threat
...elease-notes-826896227.html), and support is totally useless. I have opened support ticket before 2 weeks CA-673373, and still fighting to get this page available to public. Is there a...
Hello, If I have an EOL version installed on my office, I'll have trouble with addons or still guarantee the functionality? Just to make sure, because we have some customization and we don't want t...
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Health Check JIRA End of Life We are running JIRA on 6.4.12? Does this mean we need to go to version 7 now?
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Bamboo Cloud EOL I have to admit, I'm dumbfounded. I don't understand why a company would discontinue a cloud application in favor of an on-...
This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: End of support announcements for Bamboo I am using Bamboo version 3.2, want to update license and update to the latest version. Can you tell...
Which versions of Confluence does Atlassian provide technical support for? Is there a policy, like “We support back to the last point release of the previous major version?”
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