I have been embedding draw.io diagrams in my confluence pages and today I have no luck inserting draw.io diagrams. It just does not appear. All other macros, formatting work. I have tried f...
I saved my file but was continuing my work when the laptop restarted. When tried to open again from the device, It shows not a diagram file. Kindly help
Hi, I download Jira Data Center with plugin Draw.io. But, when I work on local host Draw.io doesn't work? Any one could help please?
Is anyone experiencing the same problem? I am not able to install any apps in Confluence Cloud free version. In particular, I'm trying to install draw.io and Gliffy.
Hi The Draw.io Confluence Plugin Installed version: 8.3.3 Confluence Server version: 6.13.0 I have a confluence server hosting in Azure Linux VM and running for 2 years already. ...
Are you a marketplace app? Because we’re really feeling the connection! In the spirit of Love Month, we wanted to take some time to shine a light on some of the Marketplace apps that we love! We’ve...
Just over a week ago we added support to draw.io diagrams to Confluence. This morning I spent 2 hours editing a diagram. I clicked publish and its vanished - gone form the page and my work is lost.&n...
We use Confluence Version 7.13.2 and Draw.IO version 9.8.0. On an existing diagram, previously a line with the style "simple" in either direction would allow you to move the connectio...
Hello, I want to share something quite strange and hopefully find a solution. I am moving a space containing draw.io diagrams from server to cloud. On server, I have this diagram which is, a regula...
Hi again Don't know if this is just a temporary thing but I am getting the following error after clicking on the "authorize" button after attempting to "Edit" a draw io power-up diagram (saved ...
Hello all, we use trial version of draw.io and create different diagrams. In search we could not find any text which is integrated in diagrams. Is this a problem of trial version or do we have to ed...
When I embed a draw.io diagram by uploading an XML file from my computer, the toolbar allows users to go straight from the confluence page to editing the diagram, by clicking this pencil button. ...
I'm having the same problem as this person When I first embed a draw.io diagram into the page, I have the option to change settings, like the toolbar, lightbox, etc, by clicking the little pencil ic...
Hi -- I've had the problem that the Draw.io powerup shows many authorize dialogs. I've had to authorize it multiple times, and even while I am using the power up in the middle of a drawing. The dial...
Hello all, I am working in Draw.io and this issue drives me just completely crazy! I want to visualise a process with different steps, hence I used a table (however, the whole thing was one of the ...
Hi all, We are using Confluence data center version 7.13.0, recently updated. After our Confluence update, Draw IO plugin is also updated to version 9.6.7. Since the update, the ali...
Hello Atlassian community! I have a question about JIRA and the visualization of issues in other platforms/complements: Is it possible to add several JIRA issues in one MIRO/Draw.io diagram? It...
Hi Team, This is regarding a use case we have during Server to Server migration of Confluence and merge project. Source instance has draw.io and destination instance has Smartdraw. We need t...
After the click on 'Start free trial' button, there is a loader (for a couple of minutes) and then the error 'We ran into a little trouble'. See screenshot:
I want to fix a Draw.io page by creating a new Draw.io diagram and embedding it in a page. I would like to know how to resolve it.
I would like to create a certain confluence template with embedded flowchart sample drawn by draw.io. But though I try to do it, I can't embedded any draw.io sample diagram in the confluence templat...
We have a very big data model diagram. This is a very important io diagram. At the moment we are not able to copy or edit it. This the message that we are receiving when trying to edit: An error occ...
Dear Community, we are using Confluence 7.10.1. We use a space as a "template space", that means we copy this space again and again and then fill information into the newly created space. Now we u...
Hello, We've a problem when we want to edit the diagram without editing the page. We could do it before updating the plugin. We have the last version. Thank you for your help!
I have a Confluence page with several draw.io diagrams on it. To edit them, I click the pencil icon in the upper left of the diagram, make my edits, then click Publish. Starting today, when I click P...
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