Meet the new Dashboard Hub macro! We’re excited to announce the new Dashboard Hub for Confluence macro, a powerful feature that will help teams take their Confluence documents and reports to the nex...
...liffy diagrams be helpful? If so, what type of data would you be interested in pulling into the editor? This could be via an open API or from a specific app or service. Looking forward to any f...
Hi all, Is there a possibility to include a chart or diagram macro within an excerpt macro? The idea is to define a diagram that can be used afterwards with the include excerpt m...
If your reporting process is taking too much time and you’re looking for a solution to make reporting on Jira Service Management more effective and productive, take a look at Dashboard Hub’s new cust...
Hi I created this diagram of Jira configuration. Hope you find it as helpful as I did. David
If you need an easier and faster reporting process, aside from more flexibility and customization options for Jira Service Management, you should drop by and check out Dashboard Hub's new customer su...
I recently got a question to handle floor plans and schematics in our Jira environment. I know we can of course attach documents and images in Confluence but I'm looking for something (a lot) more ...
Hello, i just wonder if it is possible to visualize my forms I just created via the Forms AddOn in a customer portal made with refined. At the moment it seems like I can only see the forms ...
The Gliffy team has great news for small teams: the cloud versions of Gliffy Diagrams for Confluence and Gliffy Diagrams for Jira are now free for teams of up to 10! We’re joining other popular c...
I have an issue with a Gliffy diagram not showing in Confluence. In edit mode it's visible but when pressing "save" and going back to Confluence it takes 2 seconds and it's gone on the page. When m...
When I embed a diagram by uploading an XML file from my computer, the toolbar allows users to go straight from the confluence page to editing the diagram, by clicking this pencil button....
I'm having the same problem as this person When I first embed a diagram into the page, I have the option to change settings, like the toolbar, lightbox, etc, by clicking the little pencil i...
🍻🥨 Happy Apptober, everyone! 🍂🎃 Even a moderately drunk person can get value from their Jira data with our help! *Screenful does not encourage drinking alcohol during working hou...
🍻👋 Happy Apptober, everyone! 🍂🎃 👇 Here's our brand new demo of Analytics and Reports 👇 Get actionable insights from your Jira data wit...
"no employees were drunk during the making of this film" Iván García, director of the movie Dashboards to report your team Oktoberfest In this 2-min demo our team shows how you can report...
Hello, we have a Problem after updating from Confluence 7.4.8 to 7.4.11 with the BPMN Modeler Enterprise plugin. Within some models, all activities linked to other processes/models, ...
Hi Team, This is regarding a use case we have during Server to Server migration of Confluence and merge project. Source instance has and destination instance has Smartdraw. We need t...
Hi, First post in the community and I hope someone can help. Problem: I have a bunch of team Confluence spaces floating around that are not well organized. What I was thinking is to create a hig...
Learning how to make UML diagrams in Confluence was an uphill slog at first. A lifelong learn-by-doing disciple, I’d bent HTML, CSS and JavaScript to my will through sheer force of personality and l...
I have created numerous diagrams using the bpmn shapes. We are possibly moving to a dedicated process modelling application (Signavio). I would like to be able to export the bpmn xml from i...
My company recently purchased PlantUML Diagrams for Confluence in order to model our software system. The default PlantUML types work fine, but when I try to `!include` a separate file from a...
...eclarative diagram rendering engines like Mermaid, PlantUML, or Vega/Vega-lite to visualize any kind of data in Jira issue panels and Confluence macros. We are pretty excited about this topic, because it a...
Recently I showed a technical program manager a UML timing diagram I made while learning to create them. It compared the timing of Agile sprints, feature development, software releases, and d...
...ake your diagram neat, put boxes around your grouping of AWS shapes. Our favorite method is to select the rectangle tool from the toolbar, draw a box around your shapes then select the "send to back" b...
Hello everyone, I have the following diagram, which was created by the 5 small pivot tables below as you can see, the days of the week are on the top right of the diagram and "completed", "i...
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