I have a field called "Approved by" which is a multi user picker. I've configured the default value to be everyone who takes part in the approval discussion for an issue, and my thought is it's e...
Hi All, Is it possible to set default assigne user to different issue types? How can it be set? Thanks for your help! Rumi
Hi, We want to give Table format by default to one field. i am able to add field but not the table. Using JEditor Plugin i can create this table when entering the details like the below s...
Currently under activities, the comments tab is shown by default. Can I set the Work Log tab to be shown by default? Thanks
want to know how can i change the default user from a role. For example when i created a issue i got a post function Assign the issue to the default user from the XXXrole. And i have got two p...
We would like to have one person in charge of all testing, so we want to make them the default assignee whenever a developer moves an issue from in progress to testing. Is there any way to do this? I...
I do not want new users to automatically join jira-users. I'd rather have a separate group. So if new users are created by sending an email to jira (incoming email rule), they should be added to an e...
Hello, I have a custom field which has to be set to a default value without giving the user access to change the field content. Simply defining a default value doesn't work - the field stays empty....
Hi, As you probably know when adding a new project JIRA is automaticaly assigning default schemes to this project after creation. After I created a project I need to manually assign my custom s...
I was wondering how JIRA handled cases where a custom field default option (say for a select field) gets deleted - I have a custom field plugin similar to the select field and deleting a default o...
Is there any way to default a date field to today's date everytime another field is updated?
How can i make a custom template the default to always show up on new pages - and/or switch the template after the page gets initially created? I have tried all sorts of things, including just the s...
If I'm hosting my own bare git repo, I can go into it and run the following command to make the 'develop' branch get checked out by default when cloning: $ git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/d...
Hi, we want to set 'Due Date' to <tomorrow> as a default value for the transition view. How can we do that? Thanks in advance
Hello, I want to dynamically set the default value of a property in my report plugin. In particular I want to set it as currentProject* (last project viewed by user). Sample code: <p...
in clear quest ,when create a bug,on the create form ,there are two actions named 'Load Default' and 'Save as Default' it is special useful for testers to submit a bug with similar d...
It appears that when using the user macro browser, default parameter values are not being passed to the user macro. For example, when using the following: ## @param locations:title=Locations|type=s...
I am facing two issues. I want to either remove "Assign" , Assigne to Me" buttons from the screen Or just have these buttons visible only tow administrator. Bascially, I want only Administartor ...
Lets say we have created custom schemes to fit our bussiness processes and we would like to use those schemes in place fo the defaults upon creation of new projects. is this possible? Thanks
Anyone have any suggestions on how to change the status of an issue from its default status to another status based on the value of the issue type?
I'd like to have a field called "Due Date" that has a default value of 10 days from the current day. Is this possible? I don't see a way to do this using traditional methods, but perhaps it can b...
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