Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to connect Crowd Server to Jira or Confluence Data Center. I did some searching myself but the only thing I found is that connecting Crowd Data Center w...
In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, safeguarding sensitive information and ensuring seamless user experiences are paramount. The intersection of Crowd SAML/OAuth Single Sign-On (SSO) and Crowd...
...ata Center Bitbucket Data Center Confluence Data Center Crowd Data Center Jira Software Data Center Jira Service Management Data Center and Assets. Progress in a...
We use Jenkins with our Atlassian stacks and the Crowd integration is really useful...but has recently been pulled from the Jenkins plugin site: crowd2 | Jenkins plugin This seems to be b...
Hello, I want to find users has more than two accounts. At first, I am trying to make user list using same email address. Is there any SQL to find user with same email address. Th...
...bout another tool from Atlassian - a Single Sign On (SSO) crowd , I am considering adding it to the mix for an LDAP integration with our Novell id's. has someone had any experience with Crowd...
Hi All, I would like to use the get crowd audit logs rest api. But there is no dedicated api's. Crowd version - 5.1.5 I wasn't able to find any effective api's. Does a...
Hi Atlassian community, I am attempting to link a subtask with a parent task in Confiforms; however, when I go to create the ticket, I am getting the following error: Could not prepare JSON: ' ...
...uln/detail/CVE-2023-50164 - https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/WW/s2-066 We have conducted a security scan of our systems which has detected Apache Struts 2.5.32 JAR files in Crowd Server 5.2...
Hello Crowd users, Here at Atlassian, we value direct contact with customers. It helps us stay grounded and in touch with customer's needs and challenges. This is why we would like to kick off t...
Crowd 2 Integration Plugin is deprecated (https://plugins.jenkins.io/crowd2/), Will there be a new Jenkins plugin?
hello, can i get a apache struts version in crowd? we are using crowd version 5.1.2. Please let me know if crowd is using Apache Struts and, if so, what version it is using.
Required plugins failed to initialise. Please check the logs for errors and restart Crowd. Not enabled: com.atlassian.oauth.consumer, com.atlassian.applinks.applinks-plugin, com.atlassian.crowd...
Required plugins failed to initialise. Please check the logs for errors and restart Crowd. Not enabled: com.atlassian.oauth.consumer, com.atlassian.applinks.applinks-plugin, com.atlassian.crowd...
...ike to confirm whether Atlassian Crowd is mandatory to use this app in Confluence.
Good morning, Noone can connect to confluence anymore but everyone still succeeds to connect to JIRA. Everything was fine just a couple weeks ago and nothing has changed. Can you please help me in...
I just want to say "thank you" to this community. It is such an invaluable resource - I have learned so much and can rely on almost always finding answers from someone here, which obviously mak...
I have Crowd integrated and working with with Spring Security. I'm looking to implement the "Switch User" functionality provided in Spring Security (via the SwitchUserFilter). My app throws `j...
Hello Community! We are excited to let you know that Crowd 5.2 is now available. What to look forward to in Crowd 5.2 In the new version of Crowd, we have made two significant improvements to t...
Hi, I have different active directories in Crowd which is add with a connector. And I have an internal directory . I need a group in Internal with different users in all of directories. When I i...
Hello Community! We're looking to speak to Crowd's administrators about the authentication security requirements. We want to find out what authentication methods they've set up and what t...
I need to connect GitLab and ArgoCD directly using Crowd alone as SSO and IDP. Account information should be stored in Crowd to act as an IDP and be built to single sign-on to GitLab and ArgoCD a...
Hello Community! We're looking to speak to Crowd's administrators about the authentication security requirements. We want to find out what authentication methods they've set up and what tools t...
...om.atlassian.plugins.less-transformer-plugin, com.atlassian.templaterenderer.atlassian-template-renderer-velocity1.6-plugin, crowd-rest-admin, com.atlassian.analytics.analytics-client, com.atlassian...
Hi All, Is Crowd 5.1.2 is it compactible with Crowd2 plugin V2.0.2
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