I created a dabase for projects and used page link to add the projects directly from the database. for the first 104 entries the page would always show the Entry Link on the beginning of the page sum...
Hi. Is there a way to give a user the permission to edit a page, without the opportunity to create a new page?
I'm using Safari 16.3 under MacOS Ventura 13.2.1 Confluence works for me, but I can't create a new page. When I try, I get a new page that says "Connecting..." at the bottom, but never shows a curso...
Hello Adaptavist, I can't figure out how to use the template part of a blueprint (e.g. Meeting Notes Blueprint) within the create page macro. What ever I do (german, english, template-id), it...
Create a new page by clicking the + in the personal space sidebar. The only plus in my sidebar is to add a shortcut. Unfortunately it doesn't appear I can show that because this space...
when i try to create a new editing experience page , i got a blank page , which can't use "/+command". i don't know why , and i have used this new editing experience page for many months, but today t...
I want to enable novice users to add a new page using a template, while also adding a link to the new page on the parent page. Doing either one of these is easy: the Create button allows one to sele...
I'm using the following code in a Google Sheet to create a Confluence page: headers = {"Authorization" : "Basic " + Utilities.base64Encode(user + ':' + pswd), "Content-Type": "application/json"}; ...
I want to receive an email when someone creates a page in a particular space on my Confluence instance. I prefer it to be when a page is created under a specific page "New Project Ideas" or whe...
Hi there, i want to set up an add page makro with a predefined template (Confluence template). But the field source and source type are missing in the confluence makro editor. Can somebody tell me a...
I can't create a new page. When I click the plus button it endlessly loads I tried logging out, logging back in
Hello Adaptavist! In your documentation for create-page-macro is mentioned: $increment - a number which increments each time a new page is created. My question is: Depending on what? Pages crea...
Hi everyone, we are using the old "create page" plugin. Now it's updated by ScriptRunner. In past, we had one case: * A button where a meeting note with a label will be created But every time, th...
I do it so. import requests import json session = requests.Session() session.auth = ('name', 'pass') headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'} page = {"space": "~spacekey", 'title': 't...
if an new page was created with empty or small content everything works fine. this pages can be updeted / edit with big content withput problems. new pages created wirh big contend before th...
Recently upgraded Confluence from 5.4.3 to 6.0.6. When creating a page in 5.4.3, the user selected the Create button at the top of the page, and the Create options listed both blank&nb...
I have a problem when using Firefox in our Confluence (locally hosted) Firefox does not load attachments, such as image files, pdfs, and other documents. When clicking on the file attachment or ima...
By default, the 'Create' blue button (top left navigation) opens the text editor to create a "Blank Page": confluence-create-btn.png Is it possible that when user clicks on 'Create', it ope...
I am having an issue where I am unable, as an administrator, to edit or create pages in Confluence. I have checked global and page permissions and have full rights. I am afraid I may have some sort o...
Is there a way to add predifined labels to a create page action link in Confluence, such as: http://foo.com/confluence/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=ds&title=foo22&labelsString=foolabel ...
I want to create a simple form for job applicants to be filled out by our recruiters in confluence. I want to use scaffolding to create teh form and then have a button "add new recruit" which creat...
Some users are getting a page not found error when they create a new wiki page. I researched it and found some reference to this issue here, but we don't use that plugin and the issue should h...
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