ONCE UPON A TIME... Long before the global pandemic our teams of highly skilled AR Field Engineers spent their days in the Rotterdam office of PTC. For one team in particular they spent their days w...
As Dallas works to emerge from the COVID lockdown, and navigate the world of virtual and budding in person events, we are seeking input from you! The Dallas Atlassian Community Team will use this p...
I think we can all agree that 2020 definitely had its challenges. I could go on about all the things that were difficult this past year because there were plenty. But, as I reflect on the year, there...
I couldn't put into words what was really nagging me about Atlassian's decision to cancel every in-person event this year and the Summit next year and why I felt the urge to start a discussion ...
What’s your story during this lockdown? As remote work becomes the new norm, Lets talk about how teams have adjusted to keep productivity up. Post your story here in reply, use a tag LockdownStorie...
Hey, I know that some of us have to work remotely. To make it easier I create a shortlist of tips which could help being in a team and keeping in touch with teammates. If you have any other solutions...
Community response teams coordinating local response to the COVID-19 pandemic are using Trello to match volunteers to tasks and to manage on-boarding of volunteers. Many are hitting limits, pa...
Communities everywhere are pulling together to help each other through the coronavirus outbreak. In my local town nearly 20% of the population have registered as potential volunteers in the 6 days si...
Hello all. I have an unusual request. My aim is to tie together hospitality businesses that are shut off with lockdown and fear and those that have lost their jobs as part of the corona virus ...
...upport and understanding. You’ll be hearing much more in the coming weeks, so stay tuned, and review these general tips: Stay informed. Listen to the advice of public health experts from reputable s...
I'm not going to beat a dead horse: we're suspending in-person meetings. Not to make light of what's going on, but I'm not going to say anything you haven't heard. Yada yada yada wash y...
I guess that by now there are not many of you who haven‘t heard about COVID-19 - or "the Coronavirus" - and we know that many of the companies that you work for have established policies that p...
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