Hello Atlassian Community! We know that organized and accessible information helps teams accomplish more together. But oftentimes, it can be difficult to find the right Confluence pages or or...
Enterprise releases are now called Long Term Support releases As of June 29th, 2020, Enterprise releases are now called Long Term Support releases. The security bug fix policy for these rel...
Hello Enterprise group! I’m Ada, and I look after product marketing for Confluence Server and Data Center. As some of you may have seen, Confluence Server & Data Center 7.0 has arrived! ...
We are currently using Confluence DataCenter version. (6.8.0) At 2am Every day, Clean Journal Entries is operating. During the operation of the job, 502 proxy error occurs when accessin...
...nstallation was successful but when I look at the public Ip address it still says Azure-generated DNS name ( conf-appgtwyip-xxxxxxxxxx ) The certificate has been installed successfully because when I t...
Our confluence data center is enabled for the public. But we need to restrict it within the company and without disabling external access. Is there a possible way to restrict anonymously.
Hello! I need to switch from Confluence Data Center Evaluation to Confluence Server. There is a way how to do it - https://confluence.atlassian.com/conf612/moving-from-data-center-to-serv...
Hi, I just commented on an issue: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFSERVER-20277 which is about making Confluence DC (and Jira for that matter) High Available on Database level, hosting in own d...
Hi There, is there any options/function available to track the site and space view status for confluence data centre. We are getting frequent request from user for the space act...
We have tried configuring SAML for Confluence with OAM. Before SAML we have configured LDAP with AD. We are unable to access the Confluence page while accessing it from SSO page it is throwing...
Hi everybody, I'm working in Amsterdam for ING a large Dutch Bank, also globally active. Currently we're busy installing a new global Confluence DC instance. Trying to get it actually fully high avai...
To help teams minimize planned downtime in Confluence Data Center, we're introducing read-only mode. Read-only mode keeps users working while admins perform a range of maintenance related activities....
Hello Atlassian Community! We're back with exciting updates for Confluence Server & Data Center: the launch of the Confluence Server mobile apps and CalDAV support in Team Calendars. Read...
...nly have to browse through pages that have a good reason to be there. 4. Outdated information on your Confluence-powered public website confuses customers There is hardly a more annoying c...
I'm configuring synchrony for confluence datacenter in the aws govcloud region, and I'm wondering how to set the region name or ec2 endpoint like it's done when installing confluence. I'm re...
Hi, I have deployed confluence data center in AWS. My infra is: ELB, 2 EC2 instances, RDS, EFS (shared). I did clustering, it's working. when i login into the application with admin credentials , i...
Hi, I have deployed confluence data center in AWS. My infra is: ELB, 2 EC2 instances, RDS, EFS (shared). I did clustering. when i login into the application with admin credentials , it is getting i...
Hi, Thanks in advance we hosted our confluence data center in aws. we followed all installation steps which mentioned https://confluence.atlassian.com/conf65/installing-confluence-data-center-...
Configuration: Confluence Data Center, 2 nodes in cluster Confluence administrator added a User Macro on node 1 and it took several hours for it to show up on node 2. Trying to understand why ...
Am I correctly interpreting the latest Confluence announcement that Atlassian will require customers to take on the additional cost and complexity of the Data Center edition to get SSO functionality?
Currently i use Confluence and JIRA where both apps sync ther user db from Crowd and SSO is enabled. what if i choose to deploy a data center license and add nodes to each app. will that af...
Hello everyone, I'm just starting with the data Center Version of JIRA, Confluence and Bitbucket. I have already experience with installing JIRA, Confluence, Bitbucket Server on the same machine wit...
We are starting to work in setting up a JIRA and Confluence configuration as much high available as possible. We will use AWS to do so and will use the Data Center versions. The idea is to star...
Hi, how many concurrent users can jira and confluence datacenter handle? Thanks
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