...spects like risk management. Many topics regarding regulatory compliance & Atlassian tools have also been addressed in our blog posts.
Our company plans to use Atlassian software as standard support tools for software development. We prefer the cloud-based option but according to the European and German laws we have to comply wit...
Can anyone tell what accessiblity standards JIRA service desk supports? WCAG 2.0 AAA WCAG 2.0 AA or EN 301 549 WCAG 2.0 A Other? Thanks
Hello I've read Atlassian's security statement: https://www.atlassian.com/cloud/security My question, is if Atlassian has any formal compliance statement for the North American E...
The marketing material at https://www.atlassian.com/software/crucible/overview/code-review-report mentions Audit & Compliance report functionality but I have been unable to find anything that p...
Is it compliant to store HIPAA data provided by my customers in JIRA?
I am a long time user and fan of Confluence and have recently moved to a new role in an FDA regulated environment. One of my primary goals is to help convert the existing paper-based document contro...
Hi all - I am interested in using Confluence for my organization -- I would like to find out if anyone has set up an FDA-style quality system in Confluence. Of special interest is: how would one h...
...nformation or functionality, shall be provided to make a web site comply with the provisions of this part, when compliance cannot be accomplished in any other way. The content of the text-only page s...
Does Atlassian have a Voluntary Product Accessiblity Template or VPAT required for US government software purchasing? Does Atlassian have a VPAT for 508 compliance for Confluence? The Voluntary P...
Does Atlassian have a VPAT for 508 compliance for Confluence? The Voluntary Product Accessibility Template®, or VPAT®, is a tool used to document a product's conformance with the accessibility s...
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