We are have an on prem server with a couple hundred projects. We also have JIRA cloud with 20-30 newer projects. We would like to migrate a number of the on prem JIRA projects to cloud. &...
...re the options for Hosting – is it public(held on the same share as other companies data) or private? 2) We need a fully privately hosted site - does this cost m...
may i know what is the difference for server VS cloud version of JIRA? in terms of installation, maintenance, accessibility.
Hi, I'm trying to take my company's knowledge base and port it to confluence cloud from confluence server. I want it to be alongside the JIRA cloud page i've just created. What i've done is cre...
I'm considering joining Atalassian Cloud service. One important requirement we have is to use our LDAP authentication to log in. Is that supported by the cloud service?
I am trying to put together a business case to migrate from JIRA server to JIRA cloud. The obvious benefit being on the latest and greatest version of JIRA at all times. Is there any addi...
Hi there, Very keen to move 2 x projects (inc attachments) from an older version of on premise to the current on demand version. however from reading the documentation online, it seems t...
How can we reflect the change of our company name in the URL?
I'm a Project Mgr, not a programmer. so can anyone provide step-by-step instructions for printing or exporting a list of users along with assigned groups and licenses? I've read various KB and othe...
we need to host separate Confluence for one of our teams and so I am planning to take a snapshot of existing confluence db and remove the existing spaces except one required space. So I wanted to rem...
Hello, I am not able to access my site https://uberinformatics.atlassian.net/. If I try to create an account it says that the site already exists.
Seems I get this error message when trying to upgrade my ondemand license. You must signup for OnDemand before you can configure an OnDemand instance. If you already have an OnDemand account plea...
When I first tied to sign up for the trial it showed 1 month. later when I input my credit card details in the other browser - it is 1 week. Why so?
Why is your service is so slow? 10 seconds to open an issue...
Hello. Am trying to get latest backup from our on demand instance but there some kind of limitatios. Can you please advise the way I can get it, to avoid waiting for 36h?
My team and I would like to migrate from TFS 2010 and start using Jira & Greenhopper OnDemand as our new system. We have significant data that needs to be moved over, including hyperlinks and att...
We are migrating (Jira, Confluence, SVN) to Atlassian ondemand and have figured out how to import Jira and Confluence. We have detemined the proper format for out SVN repository and are now attempti...
hi, i want my migrate my existing projects from clear quest to jira... as i have already tried to migrate with CSV format which is not appropriate nor mapping has been done in JIRA... can...
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