After recently checking if there has been any progress with BSERV-10715 (Labels for Pull Requests), with no luck. We have decided to do what we can to assist those out there looking for a better labe...
It’s time to share with you the latest updates from Bitbucket Data Center. In the last 4 months, we delivered product enhancements big and small for improved security and more delightful developer ex...
By tracking and analyzing pull request statistics, engineering managers and their teams can gain valuable insights into their development workflow, code quality, collaboration efficiency, and perform...
Big news! Dark theme for Bitbucket Data Center is now available for download as part of Bitbucket 8.16! The new option for dark theme helps users better focus on their screens and pu...
...hrough the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and can prevent situations where developers may use self-signed keys to sign their code. Learn more about X.509 certificates in Bitbucket 9. Use A...
We are pleased to announce a new feature in the Bitbucket Server Integration Plugin for Jenkins. As part of the plugin's 4.0.0 release, we're introducing support for pull request builds. What'...
Software development is a complex process with many hidden activities, making it difficult for product leaders to measure developer performance and find a balance between traditional metrics and the ...
Looking for an easy way to search for commits in your Bitbucket? In this article, we’ll explore three practical ways to simplify work with commits: using Sourcetree for a sma...
Hello, Data Center Community! We’re excited to announce that Bitbucket 8.9 for Server and Data Center is now live as the latest Bitbucket Data Center Long Term Support (LTS) release. Upgrading to...
※本記事は、Jeff Thomasが2023年3月6日に公開した英語記事「Performance regression running Bitbucket Server and Data Center with Git 2.38.0+」を翻訳したものです。内容に相違が見受けられる場合、英文ページの内容を正とします。 Git 2.38.0では、Gitでgit merge後にマージ前の状態を復元...
In Git 2.38.0 a change was made to ensure Git can restore pre-merge state after a git-merge. This involves doing more work resulting in increased disk IO and CPU usage. In the context of running Git ...
Update June 14, 2024: the below information is out of date, click here to read the most up to date FAQ. We’ve officially started rolling out a brand new billing engine for Atla...
Have you ever felt your pull request merge process is a bit of an old-fashioned paper trail rather than the efficient process it should be? Well, don't just stand by and let your team suffer needless...
One of the most useful practices for minimizing bugs and vulnerabilities is to deploy static code analysis at every stage of your development process. We’ve seen great progress in these tools in rece...
When docker runner is used, Bamboo executes a series of Base scripts; this creates symlinks in a running docker container. This will only run completely in case volu...
This advisory is a critical severity security vulnerability that was introduced in version 7.0.0 of Bitbucket Server and Data Center. All versions released after 6.10.17 including 7.0.0 and newer are...
...og4j issue became public and experts predict that the Log4j security vulnerability could impact the entire internet taking years to be fixed, simply because 95% of Java programs use Log4j. ` (https://w...
Atlassian has published security advisory CVE-2022-26136, CVE-2022-26137 today, 20 JULY 2022. This advisory is in regards to and affects the Servlet Filter Dispatcher in multiple Server and Datacente...
Hi, Bitbucket community! Our latest platform release, Bitbucket Server and Data Center 8.0, is now available. Please check out our community post in the Data Center Community Group to learn more...
Atlassian has published a new security advisory today 24 March 2022. CVE-2016-10750 is a security advisory that affects Bitbucket Data Center and Confluence Data Center installs. ...
Getting new software releases out efficiently and effectively is not easy. There are a lot of moving parts and if your entire team is not aligned perfectly, you can often run into unforeseen ch...
...s issues are resolved, you will see them included in the respective products' release notes and, over time, our priorities elevated to the public roadmap. The bulk of our issue remediation efforts w...
Hi everyone, Are you Bitbucket DC customer? If so, we'd love to talk to you! Our team wants to dive deep to understand your long-term plans regarding Bitbucket DC and Atlassian Cloud. Do you plan...
When answering questions here on Community, you may run across questions where you need to provide version-related advice. This guide will help you quickly find which versions you might need to sugge...
On November 1, 2021, Atlassian published a security advisory that affects multiple products, including Bitbucket Server and Bitbucket Data Center. The full advisory is available at this link.&nb...