When answering questions here on Community, you may run across questions where you need to provide version-related advice. This guide will help you quickly find which versions you might need to suggest!
Bitbucket Cloud Migration Assistant: 7.0 and up
Single-node Data Center conversion*: no minimum version
*you can convert to a Data Center install simply by applying a Data Center license. You do no have to create a cluster configuration for a single node, making the Server → Data Center migration super easy
Bitbucket Server and Data Center feature comparison highlights which features are specific to Data Center, and in which version they were introduced.
The databases (including database drivers), browsers, importers, and more can vary from version to version.
Supported platform changes shows a matrix of major changes between Bitbucket versions
The specific “Supported platforms” pages for each version specify exactly which platforms are supported for that particular version of Bitbucket. These are linked on the right column of the Supported platform changes matrix.
Occasionally questions come up about Java versions. It is possible to use a different Java Runtime Environment than the one included with the Bitbucket installer, however the installer will bundle a JRE for use if necessary.
Adopt OpenJDK has been the included JRE distributor since Bitbucket 6.9 - Atlassian no longer distributes the Oracle JRE.
If you plan to stay on a particular version of Bitbucket for more than a few months, Long Term Support (LTS) releases are the smart choice. Critical security and bug fixes are backported for the duration of the release’s two-year support cycle.
Other releases can receive support, but not necessarily backported fixes for their two-year lifespan.
Bitbucket top features matrix for major features in each release back to 4.12
(see also Bitbucket Server and Data Center feature comparison)
Question about versions not covered by this article or linked documentation? Let us know in the comments.
Daniel Eads
Systems Engineer
622 accepted answers