Background I have ~30 self hosted runners and intend to scale up to ~100 and beyond in the next year or so. These runners generally do the following execute builds of embedded firmware, for vario...
We just finished our first dynamic pipelines Forge app and I have to say I'm very impressed. This couldn't have come at a better time, as we're in a perfect place in our Bamboo to Pipelines transitio...
敏捷和 DevOps 是一種軟件開發與 IT 運帷相結合的文化與實踐,旨在縮短軟件開發週期、提高交付速度和質量,通過集成各種工具和自動化流程,為團隊創造一個高效、協作的開發環境。 而 Atlassian Open DevOps 方案讓團隊專注於構建和運行軟件,可以自動集成 Atlassian 以及合作夥伴工具,也可以保持現有工具,提供即插即用的 DevOps 實施方案,支持自定義和擴展,實現自...
敏捷和 DevOps 是一種軟件開發與 IT 運帷相結合的文化與實踐,旨在縮短軟件開發週期、提高交付速度和質量,通過集成各種工具和自動化流程,為團隊創造一個高效、協作的開發環境。 而 Atlassian Open DevOps 方案讓團隊專注於構建和運行軟件,可以自動集成 Atlassian 以及合作夥伴工具,也可以保持現有工具,提供即插即用的 DevOps 實施方案,支持自定義和擴展,實現自...
In this webinar, Atlassian University partnered with Scaled Agile, Inc. to explore how Continuous Integration fits in DevOps. You may have heard about DevOps and CI/CD, but not feel confide...
Can you direct me to where I can figure out how to perform a build with only jars I upload to a repo I created. Using Maven, I will have set of jars in 1 repo and want to perform a build with source ...
Hi, I have a Terraform project that I want to add a pipeline to trigger deploy from various other applications that have their own pipeline, for example: push terraform changes deploy cha...
Do you have a ticket for our DevOps event set for 30th November? We will have @Bernard Banta, Finplus CTO and Arthur Otieno Engineer at Africastalking share their knowledge. Come and learn abo...
If your development team is like most, roughly 70%-80% of your app is built using open source components, with your own custom code layered on top. But many of these components are developed by volun...
Hello Everyone, Working to set a good tone here and lean into the upcoming CI/CD Pipeline talk next week, this page is a place to capture ideas ahead of time. ...or at lea...
Hello Friends, It is Tuesday, and we would like to celebrate one of our member @Arthur Kennedy Otienowho has published some great pointers about #DevOps with BitBucket Pipelines. ...
Hello! Next week some Atlassian Product Managers will be in Singapore. We would love to speak to our local customers about how they have been using our products. So if you are based in Singapo...
CNB announces at a glance jira plugin to visualize project progress, code quality, builds and deployments in Jira. Insight into releases, sprints, epics, code quality, test coverage, build durations,...
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