We upgraded the Azure storage deploy pipe we've been using to 2.5.1 from 2.0.0 and now it is taking the asterisk in our source string literally. I want to find the file with any name that end...
The AZCopy command used by this pipeline is out of date. Please update to: This line: https://bitbucket.org/microsoft/azure-storage-deploy/src/d72e8d585b3c95004938978e80a2a00f9143af09/Dockerfile#li...
When I use Azure Storage deploy v1.1.1 to deploy static website build files to blobstore, the files are uploaded and the content-type is set to application/octet-strem. This is a problem, becaus...
This is my pipelines file (Redacted the blob account name): image: node:10 pipelines: branches: master: - step: name: Deploy to Azure deployment: production ...
default: - step: caches: - maven name: build script: - mvn -B verify - mvn package - pipe: microsoft/azure-storage-deploy:1.1.1 variables: SOURCE: 'target/myjar-1....
Hi, Is it possible to download files from the Azure storage to Local file system? I am getting following exception [ERROR] The syntax of the command is incorrect. The "dest-sas" parameter is ...
When using azure-storage-deploy:1.1.1 if I attempt to deploy to "https://inflowclient.blob.core.windows.net/$web" it strips out the $web and deploys to the $root container.
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