have somebody managed to get working composable editor from atlaskit with list plugin? I went through migration proces to the latest version(198.6.11) with code below. List plugin does not work &n...
Hey guys, I'm currently working on a Jira customization using Atlaskit components and I've run into a tricky issue. The Atlaskit Left Sidebar is overlapping the Jira navigation bar, which isn't i...
We are using editor-core from atlaskit and it seems does not work on Jira Service Desk Server. The problem is when viewing an issue from the Service Desk queue, the plugin performs loading f...
...ackage.json: { "name": "project-name", "version": "1.0.0", "private": true, "sideEffects": false, "dependencies": { "@atlaskit/adf-schema": "^35.7.0", "@atlaskit/avatar": "^2...
Some details
I initiated a Forge app from the basic Hello World app in the tutorials. I was able to add a JQLEditorForge component and it was working. However, once I add in the @atlaskit/a...
Is there an XD Library for AtlasKit as I can only see Figma Library We're using AtlasKit components to build the design of our apps, but there isn't an XD Library for that, I can only see Figma L...
...xtra typing than I would have to do using Grid, or GridColumn (and less dependencies!). But then on the side that means I'm using the alternative, `@atlaskit/right-side-panel`, inside my div rather t...
Hi everyone, I am having a bit of a problem with the Atlaskit component Inline dialog. I am using it for the error handling of my Inline Edit and this works perfectly well in my Issue Glance a...
Hey there, Trying to implement a confluence cloud app using atlaskit which need to to display different files using the native atlaskit media viewer, it works fine passing image url but I c...
In Mac, When writing in an atlassian editor, if the visible text area has been completed, and the user presses enter the cursor moves to the next line but the focus is not changed, we have to scroll ...
Hi there, I am building JIRA Plugin using React and Spring Boot. There is a sample project "atlassian-connect-spring-boot-sample-atlaskit" available on bitbucket. But it is said it is f...
I'm trying to implement atlaskit UI components on Jira server plugin, is there a way for doing it, and is there any implementation example. Thanks in advance
Hi everyone, I'm currently developing a Jira Cloud addon using Atlassian connect. The UI is implemented in React using Atlaskit. I need to create a form where you can add or remove dynamically an a...
I have read the user documentation repeatedly, but nowhere can I find how to begin *using* AtlasKit. Is there something to enable? Download? Or is it already a part of Atlassian products and you m...
Hi, we are facing a problem in one of our addon "reqFlo". We are using Atlaskit library to build our frontend. We are using as well the core-editor component (https://atlaskit...
Hi, Is it possible to convert AtlasKit into some sort of Bootstrap like HTML, CSS, and JS framework? So those of us who aren't familiar with npm and React can build something in HTML, C...
As a plugin vendor, I'd like to test out my add-on UI, which uses AtlasKit inside Atlassian environment, which complies ADG3 itself. A couple of times during the Atlassian Summit / Camp 2017, I...
It appears that AtlasKit (React-based) is intended for use with Cloud products, but Server is still on AUI (jQuery-based). Is that correct? What should the creators of add-ons shipping for both C...
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