In relation to billing of Jiira Cloud solutions; When you upgrade your nr of users to a new level, f. ex from level 401-500 to 601-800 do you get a new licence and is this considered a new licence w...
Hey Everyone! I've been reading about upgrading Jira licensing (, and would like to get a discussion going around the following paragraph "Upgrades...
I saw the announcement that Jira and Confluence are offering free usage for the team under 10 users which is currently charged at $10 (for Jira).
For Confluence, 10,000 users is now double 2,000 yet you offer nothing in between. You still don't offer any other types of user licenses, so those who saw value in the large licensing count when de...
The prices for Atlassian products are going up in early October.
I am trying to motivate our procurement/finace department to renew our licenses a bit longer to save some cash, but don't remember the historical numbers during my 10 years as and administrator. Does...
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