As the year draws to a close, organizations worldwide gear up for annual reviews, strategic planning, and goal-setting for the upcoming cycle. Whether you're conducting performance evaluations, budge...
Meetings are crucial for team collaboration, but preparing and managing meeting details often involves tedious manual effort. How can you ensure that all key information—agenda, participants, and exp...
As a project admin, you crave automation efficiency. But what if form responses were locked away, hindering your ability to leverage them in automations? Smart Jira Forms solves this by seamlessly ...
Ever feel like your Jira workflow is stuck in a time warp, with issues languishing in the "To Do" column due to manual status updates? Imagine this: someone submits a request through your form, and...
Do you ever find it challenging to manage communication with external users? Perhaps their requests seem lost in a sea of requests, leaving both you and your users feeling frustrated. But what if the...
Efficient issue management is crucial for the smooth functioning of any organization. Jira, a popular project management tool, plays a vital role in tracking tasks and maintaining project workflows. ...
In today's fast-paced project management landscape, easy access to essential resources and streamlined data collection are critical for efficient collaboration. However, navigating various tools and ...
In today's fast-paced world, time is a precious commodity, and anything that can help us save time and automate our workflows is invaluable. According to a recent study by SnapLogic, 90% ...
Are your customers satisfied? Looking to understand how your employees feel about a new company policy or initiative? Want to gather feedback on the latest software update or even find the ideal loca...
Every organization may face challenges related to effective communication, data collection, and sharing among team members and stakeholders. Jira is a powerful project management tool that can help b...
Are you looking for a more efficient way to collect necessary information for each request type in Jira Service Desk? Jira Service Management (JSM) is a powerful platform that helps teams to manage t...
Jira forms offer a powerful solution for collecting and managing forms and issues efficiently. Online forms are user-friendly, easily accessible, and hassle-free way to gather information. They elimi...
If you’d like to automate Jira custom Forms creation for recurring tasks but don’t know when exactly those tasks should be created, check out the use case below. Our SaaSJet team is inspired to ...
Forms in Jira is a practical and useful customizable solution for many managers’ tasks, especially when we talk about the HR department. It helps to collect and store information in a well-organized ...
Have you thought about form implementation in your workflow? Right Jira Forms allows you to quickly create absolutely responsive forms that will collect and store data instantly. https://www.y...
When you welcome a new hire to your company, you, as a manager, have lots of things to do to onboard a new employee. It’s such a pity when he/she leaves on the first day, week, or month. To help you ...
The average employee is interrupted every three minutes. It takes some time to focus on the task again. It’s not strange that you may forget about some items on your to-do list. It happens sometimes....
Most working processes take a lot of time, from creating to resolving. Especially when we are talking about the manager’s work, they always have lots of duties. To do everything in time, most manager...
...artners from other companies, candidates for open positions, or other people who don’t use Jira. You can generate the public URL and share a form with the required person for submission. Add several f...
People remember 10% of what they hear and 80% of what they see. When working, you can’t keep everything in mind, which isn’t bad – that’s our nature to forget. Besides, there are a lot of distraction...
Every company sooner or later faces a problem of successful communication, collecting, and sharing of information among all members of the team. Separate processes can be slowed down drastically due ...
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