We upgraded our JIRA Server version from 8.20 to 9.2 Post upgrade, we are seeing multiple issues with test rails integration: 1. We have JIRA items with multiple test cases, but only one test case ...
We are trying to push defects from Test Rail to JIRA. It works for all the projects except 1 project. For this project, when we choose any Issue Type except Epic, it shows a Plugin "JIRA_Cloud_Rest"...
Probably asked and answered earlier, but here goes, all the same: I have a Project in JIRA that I am working on. The tickets I am involved with are of the types "User Story", "Enhancement" or "Bug". ...
I want to get the test cases and runs linked from Testrail in a user story but I don't know if it's possible or not. I couldn't see them in the response.
Hi, we integrated TestRail plugin in Jira. and the fields are looking good in the issues like TestRail: Cases and TestRail: Runs but in the filters, these fields are not listing can you please...
Is there any way to use Validation with the TestRail plugin? For instance, "Don't let this bug go to the next Status unless there's a 'Passed' Test completed." Thanks!
Could any one please share me details steps to show up the jira user stories,tasks in Testrail References text box. Appreciate your quick response which would be really helpful.
Hi! Any ideas, why testRail app met with NPE? com.testrail.jira.UserInGroupCondition.shouldDisplay(UserInGroupCondition.java:31) 2020-08-12 17:23:42,642+0300 http-nio-8080-exec-13598 ERROR...
Is there a way to hide Test rail or any third party app tabs on JIRA cloud? For some projects that do not have any integration with Test Rail, I would like to hide the tab For other applicable projec...
Hello Team, We currently have an add-on for testrail added to jira with an option to restrict it to specific projects. We are trying to add new projects to it and it doesn't save the option. Can you...
We face the following issue: We linked our TestRail QA (cloud) and Jira (Cloud) using the Jira add-on A QA person on Testrail wants to add a bug report (push a defect from within Testrail) When t...
My Jira does not show me the TestRail Cases or Runs. Yet in TestRail, it will display the Jira detail and allow me to open the JIra. JIra shows: "You are not yet logged in to TestRail. Please log in...
Hi all, I successfully linked TestRail to Jira. At least, when I clicked on the defect number in TestRail I am redirected to its page in Jira. But I can not add the defect already created through th...
In the old version of Jira, I can see the test case list by default when I open up an issue. But in the new version, It is not shown by default. I have to click on the Open TestRail: Cases option....
Hello, we are doing a trial access for testrail and want to see the results by default on the issue but currently its setup so that we have to click the 3 dots and then click on testrails to see the ...
How do I display the "Add Test Case" button in Jira so it is linked to TestRail? Currently, I have a trial version of TestRail that I would like to integrate with my Production Jira instance...
Hi i have integrated test rail with jira and can see my test rail results but what i would also like to see is the overview with the piechart % stuff Can you help Thanks
Our company is using Jira cloud (url is like : https://mycompany.atlassian.net) and we have installed tesrail addon in our jira cloud. I want to filter out some jira issues based on this testrail's (...
Via JQL I want to filter all issues which have TestRail cases linked to.
I'd like to validate that a test case, written in Test Rails (a Jira plug-in) has been written for each story in the active sprint. I don't want a story moved into QA Ready and only then find o...
Hi, I wanted to automatically populate JIRA fields, such as: Project Issue Type Priority with the values of the same field names from TestRail. I have setup the projects in JIRA and TestRa...
How do we control users access to JIRA projects from Test Rail. Projects were created in JIRA, and users are viewing the projects in Test Rail when creating new defect in the Test Rail dropdown wind...
How do i make TestRail: Result appear in my Jira ticket
We have integrated TestRail with JIRA and the same is visible in all the projects except one project in JIRA. We are unable to trace the test cases for each user story in one of the project ...
Is there a way to link test cases created in test rail, to the tickets created in jira
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