Hi Team , we have recently upgraded jira version to 9.4.3 , after that we see that in Team report , users are displayed when trying to browse them , this team report is a functionality of plug...
Now time is logged after the task transaction from the active status. Is it possible to incrementally log time, for example, once a day?
Hi All, I have "Automated Work Log for Jira" in my Jira cloud instance which I am using for generating work log reports grouped by day, week etc. However, I want the same to be generated and emaile...
Can you start a timer on more than one task at the same time?
Is it possible to track time for another user using your pugin? I have all the admin permissons but see no option to change a user for whom i want to log time. How to see estimated time for an issu...
Are Gebsun applications compatible with next-gen projects?
I am using Jira for task management. I have installed Jira plugin called Automated Log Work for Jira once a task is completed, it asks to log time. My question is that log time text box in th...
To be clear, I'm not trying to use this for velocity charts. We estimate on story points for stories and the sub-tasks we estimate with days/hours. What I'd like to do is to add all the days/hours ...
Hello, Is there a way to turn on automatic timer when starting a task? If so, can the timer also refer to vacation days and weekends? Do I need to stop them manually when I arrive at the weekend? ...
We are only using this add-on for the "Zero remaining estimate when issue is being Closed, Resolved or Done" feature. Since our working hours are not that static, we do not want users to use the time...
Does the timer run 24 hours a day, and log that total, or does it use the system settings for hours per day and days per week to leave out nights and weekends? For example: I start a task Monda...
I am unable to access the config for the Automated Log Work for JIRA plugin. It is causing "This webpage has a redirect loop" every time it is clicked.
This plugin was working for a while but now whenever we click start time we get an error that says "You do not have the correct permissions to view the page Start time." Is there a way to solve it?
Hey, as the title says, since yesterday we're unable to log the hours we've worked using the "com.gebsun.plugins.jira.startwork" plugin. Looking at its details, it says that the license will expire t...
Hi there, it seems like that "Automated Work Log" has some issues with the new version of JIRA for Cloud. The buttons Start/Stop Time aren't working anymore. Could you please fix this ? K...
I started a timer but forgot which task it was on. Is there a way to view my running timers?
I originally didn't even realize this was part of the plugin, but one of our users has been reviewing the LogWork stream in the activity gadget to quickly get a glance of time spent on issues, and th...
Where can I find the configuration page shown in the screenshot for turning on Automation mode.
Our JIRA license was renewed, but after entering the new product key, the Automated Worklog plugin says "License status: Incompatible with product license (wrong type)" We tried restarting JIR...
Is this plugin activated installation-wide, or can this be assigned to only work on specific projects? This is a valid consideration for us, considering we work with multiple departments that may wis...
I click the Free Trial button. The add on appears to be installing. I receive the following alert: 2014-11-26 10_45_38-Atlassian Marketplace for JIRA - DealerPeak JIRA.png Any help you could give w...
Recently, the buttons for the automated log work plugin stopped appearing at the top of my projects and I'm unable to start/stop time anymore. I'm using hosted/cloud JIRA.
Hi, Is this possible? Thanks
Hi there, we are using the Cloud-based Version of JIRA and the plugin Automated Log Work. This morning the "Start Time" Button didn't show up where it was before (next to the Start Progress Button)...
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