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Automation SLA Rule to Notify Assignee

Yasir Bashir February 5, 2016

On JIRA 7.0.5 and Service Desk, when I try to create a automation rule to alert user about upcoming SLA breach, I can only add a user. Is there a way to alert the assignee of the issue not a particular user?

4 answers

2 votes
Steven F Behnke
Rising Star
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February 5, 2016

You cannot. There is no function to do so.

As a workaround, you can simply Add Comment (Internal) and ensure your notification scheme sends Issue Commented events to the Assignee.

Yasir Bashir March 11, 2016

Thanks for your response. I am using Escalation Service to add a comment and I am trying to use

IssueInputParameters setComment(String comment, String groupId)

to add an Internal comment. Do you know which group should I use for groupId? We are using Service Desk. Thanks for your help.

Steve Behnke []
Rising Star
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March 11, 2016
2 votes
Yasir Bashir February 5, 2016

Under the 'THEN' section, "@ Alert user" it has to be a specific user name. I am trying to alert the Assignee so that it can be applied to all the issues.

0 votes
Christos Zachos May 24, 2019



Just an accidental find while messing around that actually works. 


Step 1: Find the internal username

Go to any workflow and edit it. Go to create transition and add a Post Function.

At the Post Function page, pick Update Issue Field.

Choose Issue Field Assignee and pick the third option (start typing...)

Start typing the desired user. Find him/her and click.

What is written in the field after the click is some kind of internal username.

If there is an easier way to find out this username, please, let me know.


Step 2: Add the internal username to the comment exactly as [~internal-username]


Step 3: Click preview...



It also works with the wildcard [~assignee] 

Jared Tapia
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December 27, 2019

Unfortunately, using [~assignee] does not dynamically tag the assignee of the issue where-in this automation is triggered. It simply navigates to a general user profile.

Christos Zachos December 29, 2019

Yes, you are right. I have noticed it about two months ago that this is not working any more.

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Steven F Behnke
Rising Star
Rising Star
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February 5, 2016

The Alert I believe simple @mentions someone in a comment. You could simply add a private comment instead to notify the assignee of the upcoming event.

does not work if a service desk user creates an issue. Jira pretends that he's a customer, so only public comments would work. In this case, all users would receive an email. 

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