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Time delay between service desk issue sent and ticket creation

Emilia Vanderwerf April 20, 2018

The Service Desk ticket was created by sending an email to the configured Service Desk email address.


The email was sent at the bolded time: yesterday just before 5 pm, as seen in the screenshot.


However, It is currently just after 10am my time, and the Service Desk ticket says it was created 2 hours ago.


Can someone please help explain this delay and how to fix it so that the Service Desk ticket is created immediately after the email is sent? Thank you!




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Gregory Van Den Ham
Rising Star
Rising Star
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April 20, 2018

two questions maybe:

1.  Email flow.  Can you open the jira email account and verify when the email arrived in the mailbox?   I would send a few test messages and see if they show up in the jira email account mailbox right away.  You may also want a mail admin to check the mailflow on this email to see when it was actually delivered to the mailbox.

2.  Jira does take a couple of minutes to pick email out of the mailbox.  I've seen the jira mailbox handler go down before requiring a restart of jira to start processing mail again.  Was jira restarted during this time?

Emilia Vanderwerf April 20, 2018

@Gregory Van Den Ham Thank you for your response.


1. From my understanding of the way our Service Desk is configured at the moment, the email is not supposed to show up in the mailbox. Instead, the email is absorbed by Service Desk and supposed to be converted into a ticket. Is there a setting that I can configure so that the email both shows up in the mailbox and is converted to a ticket?


2. Jira wasn't restarting during this time, but I will keep that scenario in mind for the future if this happens again.

Gregory Van Den Ham
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
April 20, 2018

Hi Emilia, it will show up in that mailbox momentarily until jira collects it.   Your email admin should be able to see in the trace logs when the email is received and when jira picks it up.

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