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How do I create only one landing page for the customer portal?

Zack Smith December 18, 2017

I have "...servicedesk/customer/portals", which is just ugly and seemingly not configurable and I also have "...servicedesk/customer/portal/1" which is for the only helpdesk project we will be using.  It looks nice and is where we want all our customers to go to ...Portal/1". So how do I make the hideous "...servicedesk/customer/portals" page not visible or better yet, completely removed?

Thank you!

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Jack Brickey
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December 18, 2017

The ".../portals" is the main landing page. Each project you add is signified by a number 1,2,3, etc. You likely new that bit.

You can't do away with the main page and you can't disable the links that would take the user back to the main page at least natively. I don't have experience w/ any plugins but there are quite a few in the Marketplace that you could explore. 

Zack Smith December 18, 2017

Thank you for your help Jack! I was hoping for a different answer, but you can't shoot the messenger. Have a great day!

1 vote
Evgeniy Russkikh December 18, 2017

I am using Ultimate Theming plugin which let me use javascript, so i can hide anything on the page or create elements and whatever JS and jQuery can do

Zack Smith December 19, 2017

Thank you Evgeniy, I installed that yesterday and have been playing with it; it is a great plugin with a lot of capability. We have removed the link to the /portals landing page now. I wish that such a simple request was configurable out-of-the-box with Jira, but the add on is well worth the small price

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