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Why is the attachment button missing from the comment box toolbar

JKUA May 26, 2017

In one of our Service Desk projects when you comment on an issue there is an Attachments button on the toolbar of the comment box. You can click it and choose to attach a file to send to the customer. 

In that same issue if I click a workflow transition button the comment box on the screen that comes up does not have the attachment button in the toolbar. 

In a different project that button is there when I use the exact same screen. I've checked all the permissions I know and I can't yet find the difference or why this button wouldn't show up in one project but it would in the other.

The primary difference between the two projects is that the one the button appears on the toolbar of the screen, is one that was created as a Business project type with the Project Management template but was changed to a Service Desk project later. I have compared screens and field configurations and they all seem to match though and can't find a setting that governs the comment box. JIRAMissingButton.JPG

5 answers

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volkan ciftci
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September 15, 2017

noticed that; first you have to drag and drop attachment to part of attach. then , attachement button appears in the all comments task bar.

if there is an attach in attachement part, attachemnt button appears  

Wolff October 5, 2020


But not user friendly ;-) 

0 votes
Wolff October 5, 2020

Same issue here! 


We face same issue.

When there is no attachtment yet in the ticket, and we want to close with comment + attachment we need to go back, upload the attachment and then close - with comment and attachment;

All because the Attachment is NOT visible in the comment screen MARK AS DONE. 

(Im admin - with all rights) 


Like to have this fixed as well @jiraservicedesk 

Same as a normal comment under activity... the screenshot shows what we need!! 

Piyush Singh June 9, 2022

I am also facing the same issue, not sure what to do. thank you

0 votes

I am facing the same issue.

I have created a multi line text field and changed its Renderer to Wiki Style Renderer.

When I try to create the issue in the same tab and the Create Issue screen comes as a pop up in the same tab, the attachment button is VISIBLE, but when I try to create issue by right- clicking on the Create button and choosing option: Open in a new tab, the attachment button is INVISIBLE. I am trying this with jira-admin id and it has the permission to add attachment and system field Attachment is added in the screen. 

Any help would be appreciated.

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volkan ciftci
Rising Star
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July 13, 2017

Hi;  I'm really wondering same question.

Why the attachment button doesn't appear some comment toolbar?

checked all your commnet above and noticed that, it is not related with attachement field.

did you find any solution? 

Andrea Turso
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April 23, 2018

Attach one file to the ticket, then the comment editor will render the attachment button.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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May 26, 2017

Does the user have "attach file" permission in the project?

JKUA May 26, 2017

They do, I'm testing this as a jira-administrator with project lead and project administrator roles. I can attach files just fine. 

I've done a little more testing and confirmed that when I setup a project with the Business type -> Project Management template that button will appear on that screen. 

If I setup the project as Service desk type -> IT Service Desk template the button will not appear on that screen but it will appear on the comment box for the issue like in the original screen shot. 

I've also made sure the comment permissions and attachments permissions are identical between the two projects. image.png


Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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May 26, 2017

Ok, good set of checks.  The next one is to see if the attachments "field" is on the edit screens for both projects?

JKUA May 26, 2017

It is, both projects have the attachment field in the Edit Issue Screen. I've also made sure they were using the same Field Configuration scheme. The Project Management project was using the System Default Field Configuration so I changed the Service Desk project to match that and reindexed as a precaution, the button still doesn't appear in the comment box toolbar. Both the original field configuration and the System default both use the Wiki Style Renderer for the comment box.image.png

Andrea Turso
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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April 23, 2018

This is all incorrect. I have just found out why this kept happening.

It's impossible to add a comment WITH an attachment UNLESS the ticket already has a file attached.

This happens because the Attachment button is only shown as a convenience list to pick existing attachment.

I reckon this is a bug, and the Attachment button should ALWAYS be rendered, even when no files are attached to the ticket.

Doing so will ultimately allow people don't have to navigate away, or get distracted, when they need to add an attachment to their comment.

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Brad Butchers April 19, 2020

Agree, this seems like a bug and should always show, has a request/enhancement been logged for this?

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Liz Bedwell July 8, 2020

I have moved my comment to this thread:

As it is more up-to-date and better covers the issue I am having.

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