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Kanban Build on Release

Matt Clarkson August 15, 2012

We use a Agile Kanbam style board for a rapid development. We do rolling release cycles so transistion issues across the board and then use the Agile board to release the software.

This does not allow you to push the release through Bamboo first to check stability before release.

Is it on the roadmap to introduce this feature - or is there a workaround?

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James Dumay
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 16, 2012

Hi Matt,

There is no way todo this from a Greenhopper board when you end a sprint. However, you can acheive something similar using the Build and Release feature for releasing a version in JIRA.

I've raised to a Improvement request to track your suggestion (Its a really good one!)


Matt Clarkson August 16, 2012

I really like the Build and Release feature in JIRA. However, it doesn't make much sense to do a GreenHopper release:

As that assigns all of those issues under the release name you specify and then releases it. The only way then to activate a build, is to unrelease the version then release it again through JIRA with a build!

It's not critical but would be a sweet feature! Thanks for raising a improvement request - I've voted and watched it!

Matt Clarkson August 16, 2012

The screen shot has disappeared! I can't add it anymore...

Matt Clarkson August 16, 2012

Some reason the screen shot has been dropped:

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