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Stock images with Docker

Simon Mier Yakov
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March 20, 2015


Acodring to both the official docmuentation and the email about bamboo 5.8, the amazon/ubuntu stock images should now have Docker capabilities, however the stock AMIs that I see in my account (ami-949bd6fc/ami-1c247d74) doesn't have them and the windows version is still 2008. 


Is there something that I can do in order to get the new images?

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Przemek Bruski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 20, 2015

You have to add the capability manually - Docker is installed but for technical reasons we did not add the capabilities to people's accounts.

Note that Docker is only available on 64bit Linux (Amazon/Ubuntu) images.

Simon Mier Yakov
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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March 20, 2015

Great! too bad it is not documented anywhere...

Francis Dortort
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April 6, 2015

Isn't ami-949bd6fc the 64bit Amazon image? I still can't find Docker installed on it.

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Oliver Hagel-Doll August 31, 2015

@Francisco Montada Yes - do the following:

  • Disable image termination in AWS for the running Bamboo instance
  • Update Docker 
  • Stop Bamboo  Image from Bamboo -> Image should now be stopped but not terminated!
  • Detach any additionally (to root EBS) mounted EBS
  • Create new Image from this instance (should contain only the root volume). Automatically also a snapshot is created from root EBS.
  • Use this image ID (+ any mounted EBS volume) as basis for a new Bamboo instance
fmontada August 31, 2015

hi Oliver thanks to reply sorry I did not understand your the step I did this curl -sSL | sh and also did not work could you help us ? thanks Francisco

Oliver Hagel-Doll August 31, 2015

I did it exactly accordingly to the official guide and it worked.Perhaps a clean uninstall could help?

fmontada September 1, 2015

Hi Oliver could send me link on the guide that you used Thanks Fracisco

Steve Pascoe November 23, 2015

@Francisco Montada I too was having issues with docker remaining version 1.5 when that is no longer supported for docker hub. My solution was to add this to the ubuntu image startup script #!/bin/bash usermod -a -G docker ec2-user sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install docker version was updated and i seem to be able to push again.

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fmontada August 30, 2015

Hi Oliver did you find the way to update Docker on Ubuntu image, I am able to build a new image with Docker task but I am not able to push it to Docker hub, I read that I need to have the last version of Docket because old version has incompatibility with Docker hub   


error	30-Aug-2015 18:45:21	time="2015-08-31T01:45:21Z" level=fatal msg="Error: Status 400 trying to push repository fmontada/book-system: \"Access denied: 703a8705027fab8928c91f11e58e1d1ad12716c60f3705a6b5e71e579b1a89a5 is a private image\"" 





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Oliver Hagel-Doll August 10, 2015

Could you upgrade the Ubuntu image to the latest Docker version? Currently it's 1.5 whereas the latest one is 1.7...

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Alexey Chystoprudov
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 20, 2015

Docker doesn't work at Windows without separate VM, so Windows images doesn't have docker capabilities, try to use Ubuntu based images

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