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State which manager is tied to which request

Camilo Ramos August 11, 2022

I have an automation rule where it sends an email to pending approval managers. However, It only states the issues and copies all the managers, but does not specifically tell which manager is tied to which issue. Is there a value I can use to specify this? This is how I wrote the email below:


Hello {{issue.Manager}},

The following issues are currently pending your review. Please click on the link(s) below to review and approve/deny.

<a href="{{toUrl}}">{{key}} </a>


Please reach out to _______ if you have any questions. Thank you!

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Rising Star
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August 11, 2022

Hi Camilo, you can try to use 




to display the name of the pending approver. 

Camilo Ramos August 15, 2022

But the {{#issues}} just shows a list of the issues to be approved. How can I explicitly state which issue is tied to which manager for them to approve?

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