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Is it possible to remove component tagged in a closed incident?

Ece Akturk July 8, 2022

Hello community! 

Is it possible to remove a tagged component from a closed incident? Our structure is as follows:

  • Site A
    • componentWeb
    • componentApi
    • componentIntegrations
  • Site B
    • componentWeb
    • componentApi
    • componentIntegrations
  • <4'ish more sites, same structure>

Yesterday there was an incident where 1 of the components was affected only for 1 of the sites but the person managing the incident tagged the same component in Sites A and B when only A was affected.

I noticed it only after resolving the problem and seeing one of the notification emails that said that two components were affected. 

I was able to clear Site B's degraded performance and major outage statuses from the components interface in the UI so the uptime is accurate, but the incident still has Site B tagged and it shouldn't be. 

I tried using the API's but the get incident call doesn't return my incidentId (obtained from the get incidents list call) I think because it's closed. Side question - is that expected? Does get incidents only return active incidents?

At any rate - looking for a way to remove erroneously tagged components from a closed incident :) This is what I'm looking to achieve if it helps:



Thanks in advance for any help! 

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John M
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 8, 2022

Hi Ece,

Unfortunately, once the incident is closed you cannot remove the associated components. 

You can, however, get the incident ID of a closed incident from the incident's URL in the app:

2022-07-08_15-42-17 (1).gif

Ece Akturk July 12, 2022

Thanks for confirming John - I don't think the incident ID helps me at this point since I can't use it to edit the components but thanks for the info :) 

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