Jira 7.3.1: SQL Server Express is not supported?

Fabian Holmberg February 26, 2017

I got an instance health check warning about my SQL Server database not being compatible with JIRA 7.3.1 after upgrading from 7.2.  The one thing I noticed is that instance health check was not checking for SQL Server in 7.2 and now it is.  Should I be worried about this?  

I really do NOT want to switch database and would downgrade to 7.2 if I have to.


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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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February 26, 2017

It's not supported on 7.2 either, you're just getting a proper warning that you are unsupported now.

A downgrade would make the message go away, but

  1. Is potentially a lot of hard work as JIRA has no function supporting it
  2. Still leaves you on a totally unsupported database

So, I wouldn't bother.  You should swap to a supported database, or accept that you're unsupported on the current version.

Fabian Holmberg February 27, 2017

Ok, thats pretty much what I thought.  Atlassian should not be writing out tutorials for how to connect to SQL Server if they don't support it.  Its very misleading.  Besides I don't even see why they don't support it in the first place.

Fabian Holmberg February 27, 2017

Having looked at the DB requirements it turns out that SQL Server is supported only not express.  The good news is I have both on the same machine.  I have to now figure out how to connect to the real SQL Server and not the express.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
February 27, 2017

Ah, that's good.

Moving to another database is usually moderately simple.  Have a look at https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiraserver073/migrating-jira-applications-to-another-server-861253107.html .  It's about moving the whole system to new servers, but if you ignore all the stuff about the application server, the stuff about database server moves is in there.

Lukáš Soukup June 12, 2018

As I probably understand the reasons, why Confluence 6.9.1 does yell about unsupported platfrom while connected to same MS SQL Server 2017 Express as JIRA Software.

While realizing all consequences, is it possible to disable this warning somehow?

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