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No sending of notification when some comment are added inside an issue

Loïc BAUDOUIN November 9, 2020

Dear Support,

We use : JIRA Service Desk 4.3.4 / Jira Core 8.3.4

We face issue with the sending of notification when some comment are added inside an issue.

2 comments from  user ('') hasn't generate any notification then no email.

Our outgoing email is in debug mode but we have nothing (neither error message or others about the 2 missing comments) inside atlassian-jira-outgoing-mail.log logs file.

The following check on logs catch no entry when we were expected that it should:

sudo grep -i -E "FromName='[a-z]{1,}@{1}" *jira-outgoing-mail* 

Inside logs we can see that some comment are well sent to this user (Sending mailitem To='' ) but none from this user (No entry like FromName='')

In order to investigate further I try to check inside postgresql Jira DB

I have found some notification link to this user and this issue inside table  notificationinstance (and in that table I see more than 500 lines and some about old issue --> Is it normal ?),

I see that the job is running well inside table rundetails

I would like to investigate further looking inside tables linked to pluggin : com.atlassian.jira.jira-email-processor-plugin

ie :


But I can't do any select on it as I got the error message : 

jiradb=> select * from AO_2C4E5C_MAILITEMCHUNK;
ERROR: relation "ao_2c4e5c_mailitemchunk" does not exist
LINE 1: select * from AO_2C4E5C_MAILITEMCHUNK;

Is there a way to do such select ? 

Is someone has face same kind of issue ? can you please help me to secure this functionality as it is important for us avoid to miss some notification ?

Thank you for your support! 

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Dirk Ronsmans
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November 10, 2020


Maybe a simple one, but have you tried the "notification helper" in JIRA to determine whether there is some rule blocking the notifications going out for him?

Loïc BAUDOUIN November 10, 2020

Hello Dirk,

Thank you for your support, yes I have try this and all seems good 

I have do the test with this user and also with my colleagues which raise the issue to me, When the user comment the issue, my colleague don't received notification even if the "notification helper" show :

Status: "My Colleague" receives notifications for the 'Issue Commented' event
"My Colleague" does not get notified of their own changes. Learn more

This status is wrong with the couple user who comment / issue commented, but mostly true for all others issue... 

I Suspect something wrong with the couple user who comment / issue commented but can't figure it out, that's why I was wondering if some explanation can be found inside the DB as nothing inside the log (even it they are in DEBUG mode) can be catch...

Thank you again!

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