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Do I need to configure a separate database or do I use the Jira software db

Ron July 24, 2020

I am setting up Jira server with software and service desk,

do I use the same database as used for Jira software for Jira service desk or do I need to set up a separate one for service desk?

Bit worried that by using the same database I will overwrite the Jira software data if they are meant to be configured with separate databases.

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Ron July 24, 2020

Turns out I installed it wrong,

just need to add it from the Jira Software install.


Answering myself since can't remove the question it seems.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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July 24, 2020

Atlassian and community champions can remove content.  We tend not to, as almost all questions are valued and often get answered, and we'd rather people saw questions that have good answers.

But when a questioner would prefer it removed, we respect that.  Let us know if you want it removed with a quick comment here, and one of us will gladly move it to the removed section (which is invisible to most, and gets cleared down regularly)

Ron July 27, 2020

no worries, just wanted to clarify that there was a reason for answering my own question.

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