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How can I retrieve a list of tables and fields using the REST API?

MARK HERRING July 13, 2020



I need to retrieve a list of the tables and fields in Jira.  Am trying to use the REST API but there doesn't appear to be an option to do this.  Is it possible using the API or is there another way?



2 answers

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Adrian Rutter
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October 17, 2020

I think you may be looking for this...


Ignoring the software itself, it contains a list of tables using the names available from the API.

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David Bakkers
Rising Star
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July 13, 2020

Can you explain what you mean by 'table'? Table of what?

MARK HERRING July 14, 2020

By table I mean the meta-data, i.e. the names of the objects that hold the Jira data records.  Not sure if its possible to add custom tables in Jira but I want to be able to query on the full list including these as well as the list of field names in each table.

David Bakkers
Rising Star
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July 14, 2020

I think you're out of luck. I'm not aware of the REST API providing a mechanism to interrogate or change Jira's inner database schema directly.

There is this documentation about the database schema, and this PDF that shows all the default tables by name and relationship, but all of that is abstracted from the user and the REST APIs... probably for a very good reason too. The documentation page even gives the same warning... "Direct database queries are not recommended in Jira. Instead, we recommend adding or modifying data via  Jira's REST APIs"

On the topic of the REST API abstracting the database schema from the user, that page says "If you use Jira API, you will notice that a lot of code deals with GenericValue objects. The GenericValue is an OfBiz Entity Engine object. Each GenericValue object represents a record in the database"

MARK HERRING July 14, 2020

Ok thanks

David Bakkers
Rising Star
Rising Star
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July 23, 2020

If you're satisfied with the answer, can you please mark it as answered.


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