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Adding Assignee to queues

Gopu Nair May 22, 2020

I am new to JIRA Service desk. Can someone tell me how can I add new members in the assignee list?

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edwin vasquez
Rising Star
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May 22, 2020

Hello @Gopu Nair 

Please make sure the users you are adding are part of any of the groups, roles, or users listed for the Assign Issues section. They will need this permission (assuming they already have permission to the application) to be able to get tickets assigned to them.


Let me know if this answers your question.

Gopu Nair May 22, 2020

Yes. Thank You.

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Bastian Stehmann
Community Leader
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May 22, 2020

Hi @Gopu Nair ,

Welcome to the community. 

You can do so by giving the new users permission to be assign able users in your project.

You would usually do this by adding them to a role with this permission, usually the Service Desk Team role in a Service Desk Project for example.

Gopu Nair May 22, 2020

Got it. Thanks a lot for your response.

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